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Cain and Abel

The story of Cain and Abel is also a history of Yang and Yin when pitted against each other rather than regeneratively struggling with creative tensions. Cain was a hunter, a predator killing other blooded species for nutritional purposes, competing against other self-defensive creatures. Abel was a gatherer, a farmer nurturing facilitation of multi-generational non-blooded species also for nutritional purposes, cooperating with other defenseless creations other than a few thorny challenges to Abel's happier WinWin harvest, unmarked by gore and heart-stopping death. God loved both just as they were. But Cain, always hunting in a presumed WinLose competitive forest against other food-chain species, became concerned that God loved Abel more, then jealous, then angry and impatient with feelings of inferiority, inadequacy, somehow diseased in projected sacred eyes for harvesting as was his preference. Not really Cain's choice; just his patriarchal Yangish way, in contrast to Abel's more matriarchal Yin-nurturing way to worship and digest God's grace of health nurturing wealth, nutritional promise. It was easier for Abel to see that God blessed both patriarchal hunters and matriarchal gatherers to cooperate together for mutual nutritional purposes, and healthiest outcomes. Abel was able to recognize Yang's dipolar co-arising value with Yin, predation and integration, competition within a cooperatively democratic household of co-redeeming economies. Cain's jealousy crisis grew into malignantly chronic despair, until what was not of patriarchal competitions he treated as matriarchal waste of God's wiser Yangish potential, thereby creating God in Cain's own image rather than God's hybrid nondual potential, loving both Yang and Yin together nondually co-arising cooperativity. So, Cain laid Abel to waste, he drained Yin's nurturing blood, creating dissonance and dismay and death where YangLeft and YinRight were meant to competitively cooperate their mutually controlling nurture abundantly regenerate together. Yet matriarchal nurture of cooperative WinWin self-organizing, internally reorganizing, political systems and economic networks are not mere waste of failed patriarchal competing unto monocultural degenerate despeciating outcomes. Unless we both Left and RightBrain choose to see our bilateral selves that bipolar competitive and insane way.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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