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Poet's Notes

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For inspiration I search license free photography and write according to what the image suggests to me. This is one of hundreds I have done. I intend on posting 100 examples of this type of writing.

Listen to poem:
i took a picture of yesterday i placed it directly over today not much had changed the molding that framed me same the wall that held me same the carpet that comforted me same not much had changed but I noticed a little piece of you was missing now i know words hurt i wish i could take mine back Feb 27 2016 armand

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 10/17/2016 12:16:00 AM
Wonderful poem, Maurice. Your words expressed from a photo image is true poetic artistry and creativity. I agree w/Casarah, can't wait for the other 99. Hope your mum is doing well. Much love and respect from RW (Romantic Warrior.)
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Date: 10/7/2016 7:50:00 AM
It's a color pattern Polaroid I'm use to... a deep write my friend. Mostly it's only us who can change the photo, not the moment. With all respects....Linda your #1
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Date: 2/29/2016 7:05:00 AM
Armand, this is excellent! If a picture like this inspires such a wonderful poem, I can only imagine what a great artwork could inspire! It is 2:30 am so I better try to sleep. Cheers, Connie
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Date: 2/28/2016 7:41:00 PM
oh my, this is fantastic, Armand. Always you are so thoughtful in what you write. SOrry I am taking so long to get to your poems. I started at the bottom of comments to get back to poets on. I should have started from the top and got back to you much quicker. What a beautiful way to inspire your poetry, through these pictures.
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Date: 2/27/2016 7:26:00 PM
Hey's good to read your honest writes again....Those last four lines...Wow. Hugs
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Date: 2/27/2016 5:18:00 PM
Thought provoking poem and I love the pic that inspired it - made me think of an old lady I used to look after she used to say 'three things never come back, the spoken word, the sped arrow, and the neglected opportunity' :-) love and hugs Jan xx7
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Date: 2/27/2016 4:25:00 PM
First off love the pick...the balled up paper make me think of words tossed away. Fantastic poem sometimes we wish we could take things back but we cant. Luckily we always have new words inside us that can shape the face of tomorrow.
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Date: 2/27/2016 3:18:00 PM
The unfortunate thing of vocalizing hurtful words is that they cannot be taken back, and they seem to be the ones long remembered. Your idea of using photography is a very interesting one. The mind can conjure up all sorts of things from a poets vivid imagination.
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Date: 2/27/2016 3:03:00 PM
wow. that is thought provoking. i can not wait for your next 99 poems. hugs xx
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Date: 2/27/2016 2:48:00 PM
Regrets indeed eat us alive. We all wish there were words We havent uttered, but We are human and all far from imperfection. Some things in life happen, some changes we cant stop, but it isnt cuz of those words, but cuz destiny had to be that way. Yes , yesterday and today,nearly all the same except for loss, tomorrow is another day though. The sun will shine again. A fantastic post. Glad to read you again. You and your loved ones still in my prayers.
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Chircop Avatar
Charmaine Chircop
Date: 2/27/2016 4:02:00 PM
From perfection I meant ..oops : )

Book: Reflection on the Important Things