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With his icy fingers he stole my smokey breath, laid a sheet of slippery freezing cold by my feet and then whispered in my ear right to the drum that echoed in my brain with excruciating pain. She, his wife was of a complete different temperament quietly without fuss she crafted blanched cotton flakes, each a masterpiece, unique as if she retained every design  she had ever imagined so each time she could create anew. He however with his bravado with his swelled chest would pepper speeding glass-like pellets into the air. Sting our faces without regret. Salt our wounds. Mercilessly bite into our flesh with his frosted fangs. Daintily she'd sprinkle the sky with the magic of her cheer feather the atmosphere in a delicate splatter of alabaster. Layer by layer she laid soft sheets of snow to the delight of everyone alike creating a playground of endless mirth. His breath reeked of dreams frozen, nipped in the bud. Already he had high jacked his sisters, the Autumn twins sent them packing, hurried, gathering their rustic garments. He had no love of his siblings except his baby sister, Spring. His wife loving and caring would temper his yearly onslaught. She knew of his pain, deep, abandoned by his father Summer. At times she'd blow slightly warmer air to provide respite for us mere humans and allow the sun to warm our weary bones. They  would sit together and it was her would bring out the albums of family photos view pictures of his mother. Her smile like music would soothe his stone cold heart. He loved, when she'd visit in the guise of an Indian Summer. With his icy fingers he stole my smokey breath. I felt her presence there to temper his harsh avail. Winter had arrived but when they walked as one  this magnificent couple dressed in their royal winter whites, without a second thought you  would bow in front of their regal  stance, a sight to behold, one that encompassed the entire land. 04~01~2015 Sponsor: Shadow Hamilton Contest Name: Seasons

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 3/15/2017 7:07:00 PM
This is one of my favorite poems that I've read on this site so far! Amazing work!
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Date: 1/31/2015 9:25:00 PM
hmm, I had already faved that other one. Let me see if I got this one yet because it is very deserving and I see it is super high on the list. I want to keep you on that list, Armand, and I want you to come back to Soup.... Pronto!
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Date: 1/16/2015 6:41:00 PM
a re-read of this expressive pen Maurice and again it blows me away hugs fav'ing it
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Date: 1/11/2015 9:23:00 PM
hello Maurice,, congratulations on your Awesome Season win. ~LINDA~
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Date: 1/10/2015 7:12:00 PM
A wonderful personification of "old man winter". This poem was so compelling and creative. It held my attention all the way through. Fantastic writing, Armand!
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Date: 1/10/2015 9:57:00 AM
The Greeks would love this one, Maurice. Making gods of the seasons suits you well in this gem Love, daver
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Date: 1/7/2015 7:16:00 PM
The best poem I have read today, I can't imagine anyone taking this theme and doing a better job with it. Congratulations on your upcoming win!
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Date: 1/7/2015 10:58:00 AM
wow number one written all over this gem..a joy to read Maurice.
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Date: 1/7/2015 1:43:00 AM
Such breathtaking write with every drawn line.. :) BIG CONGRATULATIONS and am glad I share the same spot with you.. :)! ........olive eloisa
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Date: 1/6/2015 8:28:00 PM
Back to congratulations on your win, beautiful descriptive write, Maurice.
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Date: 1/6/2015 12:47:00 AM
Wow very wonderful tremendous write Maurice! Congrats on ur win!Very happy new year 2015! Thnx for ur visits to my page!
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Date: 1/6/2015 12:15:00 AM
Yea to Shadow for inspiring you to write such an amazing poem for her contest Armand. I loved every line and did not want this poem to end. Bravo my friend and Congratulations on your deserving win. Blessings, Connie Faving it!
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Date: 1/5/2015 11:13:00 PM
yep, you got first place. WAY TO GO!!!
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Date: 1/5/2015 5:33:00 PM
Excellent job Maurice, the entire dysfunctional Season's family in one poem. Congrats on the win,,,,deserved.
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Date: 1/5/2015 1:44:00 PM
Oh, I do hope this got first place for you, Armand. I see you won. Congratulations!!
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Date: 1/5/2015 12:15:00 PM
Maurice, what an outstanding personification of Winter this piece is! It's no surprise that it is a top winner! Congratulations, my friend! Pandita.
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Date: 1/5/2015 11:18:00 AM
Maurice, this is such an amazing poem! Sorry I missed it before. It is such a brilliant personification! Loved the way Winter's wife tries to keep him in check! You have such a wonderful imagination! Congratulations on your fine win! 7+Fav, Hugs, Sandra
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Date: 1/5/2015 9:55:00 AM
Absolutely love that you gave Old Man Winter a wife in your poem. The contrasts of the two made for a splendid poem... Thrilled to read !! Sooooooo... enjoyed your take on the theme. Congrats on your win !! So clever !!
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Date: 1/5/2015 9:21:00 AM
What I like the most is fine personification, congrats on the win, Maurice
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Date: 1/5/2015 7:51:00 AM
this carried me there Maurice top notch poem congrats on win hugs
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Date: 1/5/2015 7:44:00 AM
Simply sensational Armand - dropping back with my congrats:-) hugs Jan xx
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Date: 1/4/2015 6:59:00 PM
WOW!! Maurice, a winner, and a 7 in my eyes, I would never had thought the seasons as a family and then looking into their family album .
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Date: 1/4/2015 5:06:00 PM
Incredible personification Armand am in awe of your creativity - Shadow will have a tough job with this contest! Hugs jan xxx
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Date: 1/4/2015 4:08:00 PM
wow, this is amazing, Armand. Glad I had just enough time to read this one on my way off. A seven and a FAVE. Very clever to so totally personify him that he even has his father as summer and a wife who is the "good" part of himself. Mine pales beside yours!!
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Date: 1/4/2015 2:28:00 PM
Awesome Mr. Freeze -- this thawed even my hard heart!! 7
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry