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When Bbc Dies

We all wonder how time flies As tears flow in our eyes When shall we stop our cries? Each day and night, living libraries pay the price How do I narrate thy death? A threat to my health! My heart bleeds! As sepulcher gives you shields I thought it was an Irony Because at a time like that, thou acted funny However, I've accepted my agony! Thy death, my grieve, my cries! When 'Beauty Brain Character' dies Then, what good thing in the world lies? Mourning the death of a friend, Joyhes Osiebe who was a symbol of BBC(Beauty Brain Character) who died on Thursday, 22nd December, 2016 in an auto crash. Miss you, BBC.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 2/7/2017 5:02:00 PM
A lovely tribute tribute to your friend Adeniji:-) hugs Jan xx
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 2/8/2017 11:12:00 AM
Thank you JAN.
Date: 1/8/2017 3:03:00 PM
I know the feeling Adeniji. Very sad losing loved ones. Be strong. well written.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 1/8/2017 3:48:00 PM
Jumbo, your comment means a lotto mee. Thank you for checking by.
Date: 12/27/2016 4:49:00 PM
A great tribute to your friend. May she rest in peace now.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/28/2016 2:27:00 AM
Thank you Akkina. Your mild expressions mean a lot to me. Happiness to you.
Date: 12/27/2016 1:52:00 PM
Lovely words and tribute. Poetry helps as catharsis. It doesn't lessen the pain. In fact it amplifies but then seems to endure for a little less time. I'm writing one now for the loss of one of our little twin girls. No less keenly felt though she had four legs.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/27/2016 3:15:00 PM
Oh! Mark, so sorry about the loss. Poetry is only an avenue for the purgation of our emotions, the pains remain though.
Date: 12/27/2016 12:37:00 PM
I am grieved w/you, Adeniji. I will try to see if I can find some old episodes and watch some of that show w/her in it. Tragic and beautiful tribute. Love and joy to you.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/27/2016 3:20:00 PM
It is always shocking to hear bad news like this. Thank you for your care always, great good friend, Freddie.
Date: 12/25/2016 2:08:00 PM
I am so sorry this happened. I was anxious to know what BBC meant. It's tragic when someone so blessed just dies in the blink of an eye. Must have been a very special person to you.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/26/2016 2:29:00 AM
Joyhes was very distinct during her lifetime and it hurts to hear that she is no more. Thank you my good friend, much love and joy to you.
Date: 12/24/2016 1:29:00 PM
I am sorry to read this.... It's a great tribute to your friend, and a beautiful poem.
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/24/2016 1:36:00 PM
Thank you Darren, I really appreciate your kind words.
Date: 12/24/2016 9:05:00 AM
Lyrical mourning ... Nicely written ...
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Toluwalope Gideon Avatar
Adeniji Toluwalope Gideon
Date: 12/24/2016 9:13:00 AM
Thank you, Probir.

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