Westgate Mall Massacre
I came here only but once
And that was not long ago
Hunger had brought me here
And I went my way satisfied
And fully determined to return
When I walked up the stairs
From the parking lot below
I was hungry and I was thirsty
And it seemed to me a long
Long walk to the Food Cafe
Today I flew up to the third floor
And hid myself behind litter bins
For the devil, nay, for the devils
Had struck! And struck and struck
Mercilessly, recklessly, violently
And turned this man-made haven
Of happy, chatty, and even noisy
Citizens- children and old included
Into a brazen God-forsaken hell
With brazen Godforsaken devils!
For Shots rung from everywhere
And people fell, or crept or cowered
While others jumped to their swift end
Or broke limbs, screaming and shouting
As they sought to flee the assassins’ rage
Many lives have been lost, dear friend
Much blood has been shed, dear friend
Much pain has been inflicted, my friend
Much fear has been instilled, my friend
Much loss has been incurred, my friend
These lives, this blood, pain, fear and loss
Visited, as it was, on innocent peaceful people
On a day which the whole world had set aside
To celebrate the International Day of Peace
Was meant to do what to the people of Kenya?
If it was to divide us, please know
That we are more united than ever
If it was to instill fear and sow panic
We are more courageous and calm
Than you and your lot will ever be
For the God of this land and nation is a universal God
Who loves little children like those whose brains
You wantonly scattered to the four winds
Who cares for life which you took
In your murderous adventure
Which I know will come
To a close in the
Of time!
Who loves
Justice which
You will face in
In the not so
And conquer
©2013 Gerald Kithinji
Copyright © Gerald Kithinji | Year Posted 2013
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