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Waiting To Breathe

Stifling emotions in accordance to the field of medicine waiting for results that can lead to a domino type of effect I pray things will move according to my goal in denizen and that I'm well and feeling chipper when the tester is checked deep inside I feel fine and realize things should run correctly but there's the beast of mind play in this picture of wholeness I care most than one would assume of the status of this indirectly and also directly trust that word of hearts command and boldness am I the only one writing today and will people lose interest this is of my idea on this particular day in captivity for I seek shelter within this wing I humbly crutch is dearest and hope for longevity with the unity of others though non passivity blood not thicker is how I mop up this spill of it when it is presented but others seek to put them first when conditional love is plaguing and those of us accepting them as who they are being resented skipping subjects often is what I'm doing for sanctity is aiding no right nor wrong is what I'm hoping is the solution to this an eternal shift in consciousness for to claim immunity plus a lasting breath of never ending life bestowed on ones abyss feeling again those beliefs will not be shared with the community

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 11/21/2020 6:01:00 AM
Time, patience and self belief can be answers to some of the points you raise in your poem, Angela. Lack of breath (achievement) mostly depends on our ability to cope and flourish. I am sure there is much more to this poem than what I have mentioned so far! ~ Regards // paul
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Angela Crabtree
Date: 11/21/2020 3:17:00 PM
Thank you, Paul. Coping is essential :)
Date: 11/21/2020 5:15:00 AM
The sick await for miracle of medicine---may there be light soon for a breakthrough that saves lives.
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Angela Crabtree
Date: 11/21/2020 3:16:00 PM
Yes hopefully. Thanks for reading and commenting :)
Date: 11/20/2020 11:28:00 PM
A deep and complex poem. I still have to read it again. Seems that illness has rendered you abandoned. Maybe I'm wrong. So I stand to be corrected. ~~
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Angela Crabtree
Date: 11/21/2020 3:15:00 PM
It's just yearly lab work. I'm just hoping everything checks out okay. Thanks for reading and commenting :)

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