Urn of Golden Memories
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It's Mother's Day
And last night, dreams
just could not compete
With memories of Mother,
And I grasped for each one sweet
I found a gold glass candy dish
Which, oh, so long ago....
I'd gifted as a present
To Mom, From Betty Jo....
That gift was something special,
Way back in '79
I can't recall what kind of gift
But over years, and years and years
Placed on a lovely shelf
Until she left for heaven
Now I own the jar myself
Our relationship was difficult
A mix of memories
There is golden and sweet honey
Just beware the stinging bees!
Last night I grasped for sweetness
And I set my hand to write
Reliving life through photographs
Which took me through the night
I thought how life's a vapor
As I set memo to paper
Of the sweet things she had done
When I was just a little one
And then each note was placed within
That golden candy dish
A gift of thankful memories
Along with my deepest wish
That somewhere in the heavenlies
She knows my heart and soul
Seeks healing for our broken
This is my upward goal
And then I put the lid upon
That urn of memory
Set round with some rose petal's
And; I felt her near to me
Copyright © Bj Legros Kelley | Year Posted 2023
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