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There Is a Star With My Name On It

Poet's Notes

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November 10, 2020

~ Second Place ~
Premiere Contest: 2022 Poetry Marathon Mile 10
Sponsor: Mark Toney

~ First Place ~
Contest: There Is A Star With My Name On It
Sponsor: Silent One

*aster: a fall-blooming, unique daisy-like wildflower that’s known for its star-shaped flower head. The name “aster” means star. I love asters and they have now found their way into several of my poems :)*

re-edited 1/7/24


Oh! how love has bloomed— fantasies like wild flowers plucked a collection of candlelight craves and desires fill a wistful star-maiden’s basket; a bouquet of white asters from Orion’s garden grown in a fiery field of light against night gathered in a hazy ribbon and held in the bosom heat of this Autumn bloom’s passion tender is the kiss blown from star-dusted lips a need to gain goodwill in the "om" of zodiacal light incandescence in full blow from a single breath; fireflies in a fervor find favor with the midnight-scene-stealer; Selene of locks of hair fair and skin lustrous bare fertile with romantic flair— as this swooning flesh and blood angel closes her eyes and seeds her dream with the sheer intimacy and cosmic love-play of wishes wooed amid astral petal-points pulsing with promise rosy sparks burn in a slow-dance dip.. one slips through the water-colored layers connecting Sun of bright and Moon of dark in the thrill of twilight where hues suspend in sensual rendezvous ‘til the merge of his-and-her-skies move towards the next dawn - there! up there.. falls a star with my name on it and here.. laid into your wished-for-hands; a stargazer’s galaxy of heartbeats with y o u r name on it - as this dreamy red aster falls for you

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 8/29/2022 12:39:00 PM
Dear Rhyme Time Friend there is indeed a star with your name on it - a rising star of "red asters" in a "stargazers" galaxy of wonderous delights - incandescent words that blaze from your pen onto the page where they live! Just had to visit again with awe and wonder at your galaxy of beauty! Congratulations again dear poetry sis!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/31/2022 11:18:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, I am overjoyed with your return visit and kind congrats as you brighten my page and my heart like fireflies and falling stars against the night sky. I am in awe of your wondrous thoughts and I am humbled, my sweet poetry sis, by your expressive beauty. I embrace you with gratitude. Your poetic heart and inspiring friendship is cherished, dearest Sam. Thank you for sharing in the delights of poetry with me. Warmest wishes sent on star flower dreams.. ~Susan
Date: 8/9/2022 10:03:00 AM
My dearest Rhyme Time Friend - your words are born from the celestial sublime astral planes and planets! I loved this poem the first time I read it and now I get to savor it again and send you congratulations on your win and blessings on solar wings of the divine dear poetry sis.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/14/2022 7:45:00 PM
Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, I am ever thrilled by your beautiful thoughts and heartwarming congrats. What a joy to share in poetic friendship and fellowship with you, as your artistry and insight is always so inspiring. I treasure you, my dear poetry sister.. You truly bring smiles with every visit! Thank you, Sam. Warmest wishes sent on rosy sparks across the skies.. ~Susan
Date: 8/5/2022 10:42:00 AM
I am an admiring firefly stargazing at a sky queen named Susan who fills pages with words as the Creator fills the firmament with stars, moons, planets and comets. Another masterpiece to re-read and be reignited with a spark of poetry's passion. My dear sis, you continue to amaze and bless. Congrats for another sensational win ~ PoBro
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/7/2022 10:13:00 AM
Dear PoBro, your golden comments and heartwarming congrats are a joy to receive! I'm humbled by your thoughts.. "an admiring firefly stargazing at a sky queen..". Poetry runs through your veins, John. What a joy to know a grand poet like you and how gratifying it is to grow in poetic friendship with you. Thank you, you are appreciated. Warmest wishes .. ~your PS-PS
Date: 8/4/2022 10:25:00 PM
After this plethora of praises that has come from your admiring fellow poets, I don't know what more I can add to it. I am simply dumbfounded by the dazzling beauty of your 'stellar' poem. You shine with the luminance of a star in the firmament of this prestigious site inspiring all of us. Definitely your name is written on the star! Congratulations on this well deserved win ! Congratulations also on being the first in the Marathon race.... ! Race on and on till you finish first, dear Susan!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/7/2022 9:59:00 AM
Dear poetess, the beauty of your heart shines! How wonderful it is to receive the dazzling thrill of your comments. I am humbled by the generous spirit of your praise. Thank you, Valsa, for spending time with my poem and placing your golden glow upon my verse. Your precious thoughts touch me deeply, my friend, as do your heartwarming congrats. Your inspiring friendship is ever appreciated! Warmest wishes and hugs.. ~Susan
Date: 8/4/2022 6:52:00 AM
Congratulations for your win. What a beautiful/wonderful write. Have a great/blessed day.....................
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/7/2022 9:48:00 AM
Dear Paula, your heartwarming congrats are received with gratitude. Thank you for your gracious visit, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 8/3/2022 3:44:00 PM
You ARE a star, Susan, and I'm not only referring to the celestial kind or as a fine poet. You're quite a special lady. Congratulations on running an excellent mile 10.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/7/2022 9:47:00 AM
Dear Lin, your precious thoughts touch my heart very deeply. I am both honored and humbled by your kindness. Thank you for your heartwarming comments and congrats. You are a wonderful and dynamic lady, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 8/3/2022 2:11:00 PM
Susan, your alliteration and imagery are on fire! "amidst petal-points pulsing with promise ~ rosy sparks burn in a slow-dance dip.." This is a Fav poem for me. Congratulations on your podium finish on Mile 10 of my 2022 Poetry Marathon Contest. Keep your running shoes on, because Mile 11 has already started. Also, check out my blog post to view your current standing in the Marathon.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/7/2022 9:41:00 AM
Dear Mark, I am thrilled to receive both your inspiring comments and the honor of your fav! Thank you for my poem's placement in your very competitive contest. I relish sharing the podium with the talented poets listed and congratulations to all! Your continued sponsorship is truly appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/28/2021 7:57:00 PM
"White asters from Orion's garden..." That's great. I enjoyed this. Excellent imagery and poem overall. Stargazing and gardening (I grow fall-blooming asters) are among my favorites.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/6/2021 9:34:00 AM
Dear Eric, we have two things in common with stargazing and gardening. Asters are so very inspiring to me.. I just love them. You're fall-blooming asters must be a beautiful sight to behold! Thank you for your comments, my friend. Please accept my apologies for my late reply, life has been extremely busy lately. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 2/16/2021 9:45:00 AM
Tender is the kiss, blown from star dusted lips... Simply wow!! Well penned
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/3/2021 11:51:00 AM
Dear Paghunda, thank you for your sharing your lovely thoughts with me. I'm so glad to know you enjoyed my poem. Please accept my apologies for my late reply. Life's obligations have kept busy and away from my favorite friends and poets here like you. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/25/2020 3:19:00 AM
I hope this time my comment will go through....on more than one occasion some glitch hindered my attempts! I'm not grumbling...after all this beautiful poem deserves more than one read! It's romantic sensuality cannot fail to appeal. Love has bloomed, but so has this poetess who keeps reaching new heights:) ~ Warm regards & hugs, my friend. // paul
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/27/2020 7:09:00 PM
Dear Paul, I'm so grateful that your beautiful comments made it through. I've been hampered by the same issue while trying to leave comments for the last few weeks as well. Your wonderful comments are a thrill to read. You always put a smile on my face and your kind encouragement keeps me moving forward. Thank you so much, my inspiring friend. Warmest wishes and hugs.. ~Susan
Date: 11/24/2020 7:43:00 AM
Another write another win, I see you have all of us in the palm of your poetic hands, another masterpiece full of alliteration and imagery.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/24/2020 12:09:00 PM
Aw, John.. the lovely sweetness and warmth of your comments fill me with elation. My heart glows in appreciation for your dear friendship, John. Thank you for your time spent with my poem. Warmest wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, my inspiring friend.. ~Susan
Date: 11/17/2020 12:30:00 PM
Simply perfection! I am inspired now to use 'aster' in one of my poems, many happy congratulations on your win, Susan :)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/17/2020 6:53:00 PM
Michelle, thank you, your kind congrats and beautiful comments touch my heart! We inspire each other. It's such a wonderful thing to be able to share the gift of inspiration, isn't it? I look forward to reading your 'aster' poem, I know it'll be exquisite! Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/15/2020 4:23:00 PM
Gorgeous writing, Susan, congrats to you!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/16/2020 8:10:00 PM
Andrea, I relish your inspiring comment and heartwarming congrats. Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 11/15/2020 10:41:00 AM
Wonderful. well done and congrats. What a great write. Pete.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/15/2020 2:42:00 PM
Your wonderful response to my poem is greatly appreciated, Peter, as are your kind congrats. Thank you for your gracious visit. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/15/2020 10:33:00 AM
Congrats Susan, nicely done!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/15/2020 2:40:00 PM
Thank you for your kind congrats and thoughtful remarks, L. J. It’s a pleasure to see you. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/14/2020 6:15:00 AM
"A bouquet of white asters from Orion’s garden" Exquisite write Susan, Congrats on your win..
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 5:52:00 PM
Dear Joseph, I am so thrilled to know that line attracted your attention! Thank you for sharing your precious thoughts and heartwarming congrats with me. They are held in my deepest appreciation. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/13/2020 10:17:00 PM
BIG CONGRATS to win TOP. Blessing.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 5:47:00 PM
Dear Anisha, thank you for the pleasure of your visit and for your heartwarming congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/13/2020 7:13:00 PM
Holly smokes, good gracious, this is one of the best one I’ve read. I want to keep reading it. Sue my most amazing poetess friend, you are such a BRILLIANT star, and I’m very sure I will look up in the midnight sky and find your name up there. I love love love your poems! Yes all of them :) sizzle hugs :) ~ Kina
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 6:03:00 PM
Oh, my sizzle sister! Your lovely light out-sparkles all the stars!! Both our names are side by side in the midnight sky :) I'm thrilled by your response to my poem. Thank you, my dear poetess, Kina, for your precious thoughts.. you are way too generous! You warm my heart, my awesome friend with the golden gifted pen. You have no idea how much you were missed while you were gone.. Love and hugs to you my sizzle sister!! :)) ~Susan
Date: 11/13/2020 1:59:00 PM
Congratulations, Dear Friend and Dear Poet! This is another amazing one, Susan - passion, romance, imagery, metaphor - all intertwined with your brilliant pen. This is sublime! ~ Mala
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 6:08:00 PM
Dear Mala, thank you, you can't imagine how much I appreciate your uplifting comments and heartwarming congrats. Your friendship inspires me, dear poetess, as does the wondrous poetry that flows from your gifted pen. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/13/2020 12:20:00 PM
Your poetry is like a reflecting pool: I enjoy the mirrored clouds and sun of day or the stars and moon of night, then I look again and see the life teeming within that I missed on first glance. Depth, warmth, and emotion swimming together harmoniously. Sensuous imagery kisses human passion, and wonder ensues. I loved the lines 'fireflies in a fervor find favor', and 'a stargazer’s galaxy of heartbeats with your name on it'. Do keep writing, poetry sis, your words make this a richer world ~ John
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 6:37:00 PM
My wonderful friend, John, this doesn't happen very often, but, I am speechless... amazed by the depth and beauty of your thoughts... I am humbled, honored and grateful to receive such kindness from a friend and a poet I hold in such high esteem. Thank you, my poetry brother. Warmest wishes always.. ~Susan
Date: 11/13/2020 7:45:00 AM
You always were an excellent writer dear Susan, I love the way you slip those beautiful words just so in every line. Praying all is fine on your end , take care and God bless you and congratulations,
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 5:44:00 PM
Pixie, I am both humbled and honored by your heartwarming words and congrats. I am especially touched since I hold you and your poetic magic in such high regard. Thank you, my dear friend, for shining your light upon my poem and sharing your precious thoughts with me. All is fine here, praying that it is the same for you too. Warmest wishes and God bless you, dearest Pixie.. ~Susan
Date: 11/12/2020 9:19:00 PM
This is a very enchanting romantic piece, dear Susan...I am spellbound...A FAVE and BIG Congratulations on your TOP win!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/14/2020 5:40:00 PM
I relish knowing that you are spellbound, JCB! Thank you, for sharing your precious thoughts and heartwarming congrats with me, my friend. The high honor of your fave is held in my deepest appreciation, dear poetess. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/12/2020 5:46:00 PM
A Lovely read....Congrats Regina on this one :)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/13/2020 2:02:00 PM
Thank you, Carol, for your wonderful comment and kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/12/2020 3:27:00 PM
Hi Susan, I’m not surprised that you did so well in the contest. Congratulations on your 1st place win. It was well deserved:-) Alexis
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/13/2020 2:00:00 PM
Alexis, I am touched by the thoughtful spirit of your return visit, my friend. Thank you for your lovely comments and for your kindhearted congrats. Both are truly appreciated as is your wonderful friendship. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 11/12/2020 2:25:00 PM
BIG congrats on your first place win, Susan--well done!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 11/13/2020 1:55:00 PM
Thank you, Vijay. It's a joy to receive your lovely comments and kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry