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The Tale of the Pretty Talker

That's where her house used to stand smack dab in the middle of a dead end road The prettiest talker you'd ever want to hear Known for her elegant tea parties in her grand abode Red roses adorned the dining room Velvet petals sprinkled on linen crisply white Dainty finger sandwiches and luscious petit fours Mint tea served in porcelain cups, pinkies up, how polite Initial conversation focused upon good health, relations and the weather But the discussion turned, as the pretty talker's voice turned melodic Red painted lips and red roses created a red haze And the mint that filled the air was quite hypnotic The pretty talker aired the neighborhood's dirty laundry The pregnant teen, the womanizing drunkard, the elderly couple in foreclosure Under her spell, the guests became pretty talkers as well Revealing confidences no longer too private or damning for exposure Polite society dismissed, as the guests boldly defamed each and every neighbor that wasn't there Pretty talker's teeth gleamed as she smiled, another successful party Delighting over others' misfortune is pretty awful but she didn't care Once the guests left, they began to feel ashamed of themselves Gossiping wasn't usually this close knit neighborhood's cup of tea Most tossed and turned in their beds that night And by morning, they had strangely forgotten their loose lips calamity On the eve of each monthly tea, the pretty talker dragged a rusty cauldron into the dining room Pricking her finger with a rose thorn, her bitterness, hatred and jealousy spewed Spellbound by boiling putridity, she laughed at her neighbors' indignities, salivated over the mortifying secrets her guests divulged after drinking the potion she brewed And so it went for eons. The guests kept attending for they forgot what occurred at the tea the afternoon before Until one eve while preparing the tea, the pretty talker's lust for dramatic gossip grew more maniacal than before No matter how many visions of her neighbors' tears and fears appeared in that brew it wasn't enough, she wanted more. "More More!" she cried Drooling as the frothy venom bubbled and churned it called to her saying, "Come hither!" The cauldron opened wide, the pretty talker screamed and jumped inside I think there was 1 more dark hearted cackle before the entire house combusted Perhaps she grew a conscience and ending it was of her own accord Maybe a higher power decided it was time to step in Sometimes a person falls on their own sword 7/2/16

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 7/18/2016 3:32:00 PM
Hi, Dineen. STill waiting to see a new one from you. Thanks so much for visiting my poetry.
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/19/2016 9:17:00 AM
Oh, I always enjoy visiting your poetry, you're quite welcome, Andrea. I have been eyeing some of the contests, but I've got to let my pen refill. Hopefully soon. :)
Date: 7/16/2016 11:05:00 AM
a very interesting and dark kind of modern fairy tale this is. For sure, she was a witch in disguise!! I see this won for you. BIG congrats, Dineen
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/19/2016 9:14:00 AM
Andrea, thank you for commenting so, and for your congrats as well. Much appreciated.
Date: 7/16/2016 9:19:00 AM
For me this was one of the best! Congrats on your win.
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/19/2016 9:11:00 AM
Such a wonderful compliment, I thank you for such kind words as well as the congrats, Richard.
Date: 7/15/2016 12:13:00 PM
fabulous tale Dineen many congrats on your win:-) hugs jan xx
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/16/2016 6:57:00 AM
Such a kind comment, thanks for that as well as your congrats Jan.
Date: 7/15/2016 10:51:00 AM
Congrats on your win Dineen
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/16/2016 6:56:00 AM
Thank you for your congrats Joseph!
Date: 7/15/2016 3:45:00 AM
Dineen, Congratulations on your awesome win. Thank you SO much for supporting my contest. It meant a lot to me. Stop by my latest blog "False Face Must Hide" and celebrate your win... WEEEEEEEE!!!!! SKAT
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/16/2016 6:53:00 AM
I enjoyed writing for your contest Skat, thank you for a great contest and for your kind consideration. Much appreciated!
Date: 7/8/2016 8:39:00 AM
Well, she went out with a bang....great write Dineen...
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/16/2016 6:52:00 AM
Indeed Joseph, thank you very much!
Date: 7/4/2016 3:17:00 PM
The last line tremendously beautiful of pretty talker. A 7 indeed and good luck. Loved always my lovely smiling friend, bl
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Williams Gault Avatar
Dineen Williams Gault
Date: 7/16/2016 6:51:00 AM
Your words are so complimentary, I thank you much BL

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