The Past Is Passed
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Many of us have things in our lives we would rather forget but we can't because SOMEONE thinks we should continue to live with the mess we made when we were too young to know better. God forgives, people don't. But since GOD forgives us we should forgive ourselves. It doesn't matter what others think of us and if they want to hold the past against you then you don't need those people in your life. What I'm trying to say here is that you cannot reach into the past and make it better. But the future is something we can still do something about, and it can be brght and happy if you will let it. Bury the past and rejoice in the future.
There is so much you can let go of,
If you really want to try.
Stuff that only weighs you down,
That makes you want to cry.
Old regrets, self doubts and hurts,
That drag up pain and anger.
Toss them, ditch them, cast them away.
To self esteem they're a danger.
Worries about what could have, should have,
What-ifs and if-onlys,
Leave you filled up with regrets,
And feeling sad and lonely.
These things are somewhere in the past.
These things are done and over.
It's time to leave the past alone,
And look to days of clover.
Today make that decision.
The past is over, done.
Today, right now is fresh and new.
Look up, embrace the sun.
Copyright © Judy Ball | Year Posted 2023
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