The Lids Are Off, Marmite Is Still King
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It's often been dubbed as the poor man's Marmite
That substitute breakfast spread called Vegemite
Vegemite vixens are now preparing to fight
But they're onto a loser, Tom's ready to bite.
His legions are heading for the land of the roo
It will be the mother of all battles, I'm not kidding you
Already hundreds of refugees are heading for the coast
The Marmite empire will be victorious, that's no idle boast.
Vegemite spread is used widely to keep flies off of food
But Marmite on toast for breakfast puts you in a good mood
I'll give the Vegemite vixens one chance to surrender
Or I'll teach them a lesson, one they'll always remember.
Any Vegemite Vixens caught will be punished mercilessly
Force fed delicious black Marmite for all their eternity
So lay down your jars now and you'll be so glad you did
Or face the wrath of the empire with the bright yellow lid.
written 21st February 2022
Copyright © Tom Cunningham | Year Posted 2022
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