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The Cuddling Cricket

It’s not enough to have a Dragon plus his penguins and pigeons, too? Darn it! I had a limit, until a cute Cuddling Cricket found my shoe. He was just a little baby, who saw the pigeons and decided to hide. Now, he won’t let go of my pants leg; he’s definitely along for the ride. The first time I saw him, I Eeekk’ed and I jumped, yep, about to pounce. But at my response he sighed, and slumped, and he began to cry, at once! At first I couldn’t believe it, so I pulled out my magnifying glass. What I found were soulful eyes, and a face, so very cute, but sad. So now when I stand, A Cuddling Cricket, comes along for the ride. Yeah, he’s now part of the family… Well, of course! Sigh! I replied… He sleeps in a cute little plastic bug box, with a matchbox for a bed. But it’s hard to explain, to others found, in my life, which have fled. I bring a magnifying glass, so they can see him bow so proper and nice. But carrying my Cuddling Cricket around, does have a certain price! Food stores aren’t very understanding, and restaurants, Not At All! Truly! But the paparazzi seem to understand a Cuddling Cricket, completely! He does have his own type of novelty as he carries around his blankie! And he’s just a baby, who needs a Mom, and of course, his little binkie! Honestly, I’m not kidding! There’ve been a few, strange turns, in my life. But, if I have Trolls and Dragon, then a Cuddling Cricket seems, so right!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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Date: 8/30/2014 4:12:00 PM
I just love your imagination, a truly delightful piece.
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Date: 8/28/2014 12:50:00 PM
I've never looked at a cricket's face, through a magnifying glass. That's really a great poem though and I'll bet that it does put a chink in your social life.
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Date: 8/26/2014 5:16:00 PM
J'adore you have such a way with children stories! Light & Love
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Date: 8/25/2014 5:42:00 PM
hahaha. cuddling crickets. What is next from you? And how small does that binkie of his have to be, very microscopic!! Reminded me of Jiminy Cricket . Cute stuff.
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Date: 8/22/2014 3:16:00 PM
Wild imagination turned on in this one..Enjoyed reading your story in poetic form...Thanks for the visits to my page..Sara
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Date: 8/22/2014 1:22:00 PM
Carol, you had me smiling and chuckling throughout this delightful poem. How creative! I can just imagine him snuggling in his matchbox bed and traveling with you by day. You surely have a knack for humor. One day it would be an honor to write fun poetry with you. Until then, this goes to my faves. Bravo! Love, Carolyn
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Date: 8/21/2014 1:57:00 PM
What a chariming little story Carol. Made me smile. Thank you! Jim
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Date: 8/21/2014 12:08:00 PM
Thank you for this delightful read this afternoon !! Indeed fun, and very witty to boot !! A thoroughly clever and detailed write !!
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry