The Call of Death
Why summon me so soon?
Undone is one or the other drill
There’s unfinished job’s platoon
I’ave not been through the mill
I’ave not met my heart’s demand
There’re desolate hearts to be solaced
I haven’t fulfilled His Command
There are demons brazenfaced
There are tears to be wiped of faces
Devils of inequity and lust to be slain
Those are devouring human races
Someone must rise for evil to contain
Streets experiencing carnage
Brutality, fanaticism, suicide bombing
And human souls in bondage
Cheatings, deceits and swindling
The seeds of love that are sown
Are still waiting to sprout
The flowers of goodwill grown
Are for water wailing out
Grant me time O healer of pains
Let me do some of the undone
Lest God on my return complains
I’m an unwanted, unworthy son
Copyright © Mohammad Yamin | Year Posted 2010
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