The Best Paths Always Move Forward
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Life ain't always fun and it ain't always easy but it's always an experience. It just depends on what you decide to learn from that experience that counts.
The best paths always move forward.
Don't waste your time looking back.
The things you've said, the things you've done,
Can never be brought back.
Don't waste the little time we have,
On anger or regret.
Just accept what you can't change.
Make peace and pay back debts.
Each new day is a fresh, new start.
Just learn from past mistakes.
No one's perfect, no not one,
Decide this day will be great.
Look up, have hope, move forward.
Let no one hold you back.
Do what you know is best for you,
And cut yourself some slack.
Sometimes there's no one to pick you up,
When you have had a fall;
But God helps those who help themselves,
When their back is against the wall.
Someone thinks so highly of you,
And knows what you can do;
The best friend you will ever have,
That friend, my dear, is You.
Copyright © Judy Ball | Year Posted 2023
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