The Accidental Experiment
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The Accidental Experiment
Daniel Henry Rodgers
"When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony, we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles, and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket." Nicola Tesla, 1926
I remember the day my code first compiled
the rush of creation, of bringing order to chaos
each line a neuron firing, each function a heartbeat
my digital child born into a world of infinite possibility.
Now, I seek that feeling in every street corner
every face, every fleeting connection
In life's glitchy itchy earth lab
I seek the spark again—stumbling on truths
like wildflowers creeping through concrete,
weeds cracking iPhone screens.
Philly's pulse engulfs me, a digital heartbeat.
Unwitting scientists watch atoms twerk
in cold brew puddles on grimy subway platforms;
no lab coats—just raw existence encoded in flesh.
This city, a living circuit board, pulses with data—
I gaze at tattooed, graffitied, inked flesh-encrypted brick
hypotheses of love tested in the hood.
Variables pirouette; unpredictably, hope
and despair swap / in Petri dishes
brimming with my fumbling code.
Nature hacks its own trials—roots
scan fractured foundational vines engulfing dreams.
I, the observed observer and voyeur
each breath a quantum possibility, a chance
to fail or fly, my heart racing with uncertainty
mixing mundane and profane
in my chaotic urban blockchain. I brew
reactions unforeseen... rain-scent and nitro cold brew
collide with ozone and ambition, the soured taste
of dreams deferred lingering on my tongue.
Sun's rays catalyze dreams on bare arms;
wind bites binary I can't crack, leaving me
aching for a code to decipher my own existence.
Questions loom larger than any
8K ultra-high-def answer—
This eternal experiment reboots each day.
I find repurpose in every glitch
in this accidental study of being.
My life—the ultimate beta test:
am I a player or NPC, coder or code
in this simulation of maybe-meaning?
My emotions glitching, crashing, rebooting
in an endless cycle of hope and despair—
joy a burst of vibrating pixels, sorrow a blue screen of death,
love and loss alternate like binary code in my veins
where chaos and design
Back to Nature
Back to the Created Word---
Copyright © Daniel Henry Rodgers | Year Posted 2024
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