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The Accidental Experiment

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The Accidental Experiment

Daniel Henry Rodgers


"When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole. We shall be able to communicate with one another instantly, irrespective of distance. Not only this, but through television and telephony, we shall see and hear one another as perfectly as though we were face to face, despite intervening distances of thousands of miles, and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket." Nicola Tesla, 1926



I remember the day my code first compiled the rush of creation, of bringing order to chaos each line a neuron firing, each function a heartbeat my digital child born into a world of infinite possibility. Now, I seek that feeling in every street corner every face, every fleeting connection In life's glitchy itchy earth lab I seek the spark again—stumbling on truths like wildflowers creeping through concrete, weeds cracking iPhone screens. Philly's pulse engulfs me, a digital heartbeat. Unwitting scientists watch atoms twerk in cold brew puddles on grimy subway platforms; no lab coats—just raw existence encoded in flesh. This city, a living circuit board, pulses with data— I gaze at tattooed, graffitied, inked flesh-encrypted brick hypotheses of love tested in the hood. Variables pirouette; unpredictably, hope and despair swap / in Petri dishes brimming with my fumbling code. Nature hacks its own trials—roots scan fractured foundational vines engulfing dreams. I, the observed observer and voyeur each breath a quantum possibility, a chance to fail or fly, my heart racing with uncertainty mixing mundane and profane in my chaotic urban blockchain. I brew reactions unforeseen... rain-scent and nitro cold brew collide with ozone and ambition, the soured taste of dreams deferred lingering on my tongue. Sun's rays catalyze dreams on bare arms; wind bites binary I can't crack, leaving me aching for a code to decipher my own existence. Questions loom larger than any 8K ultra-high-def answer— This eternal experiment reboots each day. I find repurpose in every glitch in this accidental study of being. My life—the ultimate beta test: am I a player or NPC, coder or code in this simulation of maybe-meaning? My emotions glitching, crashing, rebooting in an endless cycle of hope and despair— joy a burst of vibrating pixels, sorrow a blue screen of death, love and loss alternate like binary code in my veins where chaos and design blur into one? Back to Nature Back to the Created Word---

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 10/17/2024 3:27:00 AM
Technology has revolutionized every walk of human life. From computing to Artificial Intelligence, each breakthrough has resulted in escalating human progress. But does it give us the bliss we seek. It is a difficult question to answer. Binaries like love and loss, sorrow and joy exist together or alternatively and we ache for a code to decipher our own existence.... ! Is it as easy as cracking a scientific code? Never ! Our search for clarity and deeper meanings can be found not in the chaotic world of technology or in science labs, but in life's itchy glitchy earth lab. We have to retrace our steps to nature and be part of the pristine world created by God. Though I couldn't fathom your poem in its full depth, its essence, I think I have got. Indeed you have an amazing talent, dear Daniel!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/18/2024 11:56:00 AM
Dear Valsa, You are right that tech has changed our world dramatically in the last hundred years, and it seems to double every 18 months or so. I am always thankful that you took the time to come, visit, read, and comment. It is always uplifting to see your thoughts. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/16/2024 7:48:00 PM
An interesting title for this poem and what a good predictor Tesla was. I agree with Ink on the best images in your poem. Glad you ended back to nature and the Word
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/18/2024 11:54:00 AM
Dear Andrea, Thank you. I appreciate seeing your words on my pages. Our God always calls us to the natural world he created, so I always like to throw hints out there that he is everywhere. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/16/2024 1:04:00 PM
Dear Daniel, you have a way with words really, this is another one of your impeccable impressive poems that left me in awe! I love the way youv set it to a theme and how youv contemplated and thought deeply about all that which is around especially love the lines “ like wildflowers creeping through concrete,” and “ Sun's rays catalyze dreams on bare arms; wind bites binary I can't crack, leaving me aching for a code to decipher my own existence. “ if only it was that easy. But i know and feel what you mean through thosw lines and as i read this i thought to myself what would it be like to use such terms in real life for everything , for example, when one is distressed or splitting, “ glitching” hah! This is so fun and im inspired! I will try maybe one of these days to use wordplay like youv done here!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/18/2024 11:49:00 AM
Dearest Empress, How could I not be fully uplifted after reading your grateful words? There are so many questions about life, even for those of us who believe in the Creator God. It is fun to search, to seek deeper meanings, to ponder, and to write about. I am sure that your future poems will be full of life and inquisitive introspections. Thankful, as always, to see your words on my pages. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
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Ink Empress
Date: 10/16/2024 1:07:00 PM
And I absolutely love also “ love and loss alternate like binary code in my veins ” i want to quote that in capital letters! Just wow! Hits deep! Big FAVE! Sending you light always
Date: 10/14/2024 5:11:00 AM
In life's glitchy itchy earth lab I seek the spark again—stumbling on truths… collide with ozone and ambition, the soured taste of dreams deferred lingering on my tongue… My emotions glitching, crashing, rebooting in an endless cycle of hope and despair. Yes, man has come a long way with technology but man still marvels at what God has created. Bless you, Daniel!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/14/2024 10:50:00 AM
Dear Kim, It is funny you use those lines. I went through the word "itchy" about 10 iterations into inking this one. Thank you for your wonderful visits. God is the greatest of everything that always is, was, or is to be, for he is the Creator God. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/13/2024 2:24:00 AM
This is a brilliant poem with a great story. Modern technologies have their benefits, and it is important to make good use of them.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/14/2024 10:47:00 AM
Dear Victor, Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. I know our God is in control. I think people will try to use technology to replace God one day, which is a sad state of events. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/12/2024 6:23:00 PM
My age of simplicity is gone. I do my best but I always need help with computers. I enjoy driving because it's straightforward. Thanks for your story.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/14/2024 10:48:00 AM
Dear Hilda, Thank you for your visit. I think that technology will eventually outgrow everyone. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/11/2024 9:02:00 AM
What a brilliantly penned poem on the perils of modern technology that can overtake the human connection. Marvelous writing, Daniel. God's blessings to you and your's.:)
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/14/2024 10:44:00 AM
Dear Regina, With all this technology, it seems that people will try to replace our God, which it can never do. Thank God with have an Awesome God!!! Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/10/2024 8:17:00 PM
Interesting poem Daniel. Your start made me remember my first program in 1976. I thought I was ahead of the curve, but now, I can't even figure out my car, my TV, my phone, etc. I guess we're products of DNA code in a sense? I'm amazed by AI and wonder what quantum will bring.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:46:00 AM
Hello David, like you, we are baby boomers who can easily get lost in time and, therefore, fall behind the times. I was very fortunate that my first career was in IT until I switched to counseling, which works with the brain's computer. Thank you for your insights. Autumn Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/10/2024 6:06:00 PM
Daniel love the quote from Nicola Tesla the genius of electronics. Technology can never replace the simple ingredients that God has given us to enjoy. The more technical we get the more we need Gods basic foundation in our lives. Kids are not being social enough spending endless hours on their cell phones not playing as much with their friends whether it is a ball game or enjoying each others company. Even in the household at the dinner table their heads are down and there phone are on.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:44:00 AM
Hello Michael, He was a genius and had great insights into what the future would unfold. I believe the next 30 years will spin tech to a new level that we could barely imagine. It can easily rob us of our time and relationships. Thank You! Autumn Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
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Michael Tor
Date: 10/10/2024 6:07:00 PM
Clever piece my friend like Nicola your words here will ring true in the future... Blessings...
Date: 10/10/2024 4:13:00 PM
Amazing, Daniel. I agree that technology is never going to "get it"- we are beyond in the hands of the Creator. Never will we crack Him, His code. Thanks for taking the time to write this. Really, we need to see this, before it's too late....
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:42:00 AM
Dear Paige, I loved how you said we will never crack the Creator, at least not to the perfect fullness that He is. Thank you so much for your kind words. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/10/2024 1:02:00 PM
Gosh this is so good. While reading several images came to mind, Data of Star Trek, the AI movie with the boy from the Sixth Sense(can't think of his name just now) and even Jurassic Park. This is so deep I'll have to read a few more times and probably still won't fully get it, but what I do get I love
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:40:00 AM
Hello Tom, I appreciate it very much! It is funny how so many things in life influence us, and we are often not always aware of them. It took a little while to think about what information and emotions I wanted to relay. I definitely want to put some pointers to our Creator God. Thank You! Autumn Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/10/2024 11:17:00 AM
Daniel, my friend, what an amazing metaphoric write! You spin out imagery like fiber optic cables then bring us into the realization that the foundation of all, even technology, is integral in the magnificence of God's creation. A poem of great impact! I do love your poems that leave me musing. Autumn blessings of joy to you!
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:36:00 AM
Dear Sam, Ahh, you have such wonderful comments. I am glad that you recognized God as the creator in my poem. I try to drop the subtle hints. Thank you for all your graciousness! Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/9/2024 8:34:00 AM
an overload of technological advancement can ruin the very essence of man's reason for being...powerful write with salient language and form, daniel...
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/11/2024 6:33:00 AM
Dear Nette, I am very thankful for your visits. Tech is taking over, and some are healthy, and others are not so healthy. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/9/2024 7:34:00 AM
Wonderful description of high tech taking over the world. I especially like, "The city, a pulsing circuit board, pulses data." The ending of this poem gives real hope.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/9/2024 7:46:00 AM
Hello Mike, it's always a pleasure to see your comments. Tech has always fascinated me and was my career for 25 years before switching to counseling. We will have many advancements in the next several decades that we once thought impossible. Thanks! Autumn Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/8/2024 10:53:00 PM
Dear Daniel, thank you for sharing your vivid metaphors, that explores the longing and search for clarity and purpose amidst urban confusion in a chaotic world. From creating something digitally new in a circuit board experiment and comparing it to organic life. Seeking purpose in the everyday glitches of life. Philly is the metaphorical lab which tests hope, despair longing for purpose in the confusion. I trust I interpreted your complicated yet emotive poem correctly. Recently, in conjunction with the US, in Queensland Australia, they are building the world’s largest $1bn, Quantum complex. Gone are the days of TBs they now talk in Qubits – Lol - Tesla indeed predicted these advancements when it was just science fiction. Hugs Maria
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/9/2024 7:44:00 AM
Dear Maria, It is always a great joy to read your insights. Yes, we will have many new things coming our way that tech and Ai will produce that would almost seem infathomable to us today. Our pray is that it will find greater joy and helpful and not the reverse. Thank You! Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/8/2024 11:50:00 AM
Nice mix of computer technology and the serenity of human life. Whatever progress we make with AI or other vtech feats, the peace to soulwill only come fro the thinking away from them.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/9/2024 7:43:00 AM
Hello Jay, I am grateful for your comments. There will be so many changes over the next several decades that we cannot fathom. Autumn Blessings, My Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/8/2024 11:26:00 AM
Brilliant writing Daniel, we're heading that way now, AI and other inventions will change our lives completely. Tesla had great vision. Tom
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/9/2024 7:41:00 AM
Dear Tom, Thank you so much for your visit and comments. I agree that tech will change our lives dramatically over the next 30 years. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel
Date: 10/8/2024 7:18:00 AM
Gosh, what an immaculate and absolutely mind-blowing piece of art this is! Being myself, in the beginning era of me studying engineering (just started my university journey) surrounded by codes, circuits, AI systems and machinery ~ I can hugely relate with everything that you have stated here with such incredible personifications and metaphors, which are both poetic and give the feeling of today's world. Despite if all the advancements in technology, our hearts still find peace in the actual created by the God. I absolutely loved reading this and surely, saved as a FAV ~ sending many best wishes and light to you, always.
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Daniel Henry Rodgers
Date: 10/9/2024 7:40:00 AM
Dear Hiya, I have always appreciated your visits and in-depth comments. I went into high tech right out of college and my industry and vocation for the first 25 years. Over the past 18 years, I have been a D&A and MH counselor. Based on these two vocations, I have seen a lot of change for the positive in the world of tech, and I also see the worst of the worst and the consequences of some of those changes. Thanks for coming, and I appreciate your FAV. Autumn Blessings, My Dear Friend, Daniel

Book: Reflection on the Important Things