Stream of Thoughts
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oh to live a life
beneath your full potential
to know there is so much more
you could have done
more that you could have bled
to give others life
oh, the inner strife
mediocrity does not bode well
it's a living, burning hell
to know there is the sublime
yet you're running out of time
the years jeer
that inner fear
that time will not last
you'll be part of the past
and yet
what will live on
when you are gone?
that inner cosmos
of whirling ideas
the planetary magnitude of thoughts
becoming black holes of disappointment
sucking into the void
all that you could have become
if I could tap inside
find the words to make life
ex nihilo syndrome overcome
there is always something
we were born with it
the ability to create
but for many it lies dormant
and their names are not remembered
not I
while I breathe
I try
to bring to life
the wonder of wisdom
the beneficence of beauty
the longevity of love
the pleasure of passion
the care of compassion
the perfection of peace
the sweetness of serenity
let it be...
all these and more
are there in my heart, in store
this medium is mine
poetry...the rhyme
set to my heart beat
rhythmic reality
words to whet the appetite
to move
to shock
to invigorate
to satiate
to medicate
to alleviate
to liberate
to enlighten
to brighten
to instill
the will to laugh, to love, and
while this heart beats
while this soul breathes
while the mind can yet think
the quest goes on
to express
the wonder
that lies
Eileen Manassian
Copyright © Eileen Manassian | Year Posted 2017
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