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Still Un-Answered Universal Question

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Is it a myth that History repeats? This universal question that time deletes Is the evidence clear that it occurs? Through eons and eons it strangely recurs Is it true that horrors are dulled by time? This forever, unchanging paradigm If wars are to end should it start with me? To account for mankind’s insanity. August 31st ‘22 For Dot Your I's and Cross Your T's Contest by Hilo Poet howmanysyllables =10

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/21/2022 12:51:00 PM
A Perreniel conundrum Suzanne, I think on The 'so called world leaders. ' Supposedly those Who are to set examples, who have visited the Genocide camps the nazis the ss the apparently More fitted of mankind built, have made stern faces and vowed never again.'and what do we see ? Pagan values and genocide promoted in 2020/22 by who..? Yes you guessed it.'
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Date: 9/12/2022 1:51:00 PM
I wish it were as simple as your last lines imply, Suzanne. And yes, I think the evidence is quite clear regarding what you say about history and horrors, unfortunately.
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/13/2022 2:27:00 AM
Thanks Jim: I was looking for something to trigger a poem so sometimes the Contests do. I might do better to think about gnomes or Autumn leaves. Lol SuZ.
Date: 9/9/2022 5:14:00 PM
Dear Suzanne, your enlightened pen is potent and thought provoking. It is sad that mankind (or it’s leaders) don’t seem to remember or learn from past tragedies, ethnic cleansings or wars. It’s amazing how a few people at the top can cause suffering and death for thousands or millions of ordinary people. Unfortunately, history does repeat itself. A powerful piece for sure! Warmest wishes, my friend.. ~Susan
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/10/2022 4:10:00 AM
Thanks Susan: I agree totally, (See my reply to Gershon below.) I appreciate your thoughtful comments. SuZ
Date: 9/9/2022 3:45:00 AM
Loved your couplets dear Suzanne...Best wishes in the contest....Hugs...~ Ani
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/10/2022 4:09:00 AM
Thanks Ani. Hugs, SuZ
Date: 9/7/2022 7:39:00 PM
Nice... and yes, I'm sure history repeats... If everyone lived longer, it would be so easily perceived. I now look at the news from Israel, for example. I can substitute the PLO for Hamas or Hezbollah. I can substitute Yasar Arafat for Muhammad Abbas. I can substitute Gush Emunim for the current Israeli settlers. All those were from the 1960's and 1970's... Like a wheel spinning round, history repeats; only the names change.
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/10/2022 4:08:00 AM
It is true, Gershon… Groundhog Day. No one has time to listen to the wisdom or read the philosophers that would lead mankind out of this mess. Even pointing out the obvious doesn’t work. The tendency remains to kill the messenger. SuZ
Date: 9/6/2022 3:47:00 PM
love this. Sadly, I don't feel there is anything I can do as an individual when so many people seem to be utterly blind to the evil that is shaping our world today. Great job, my friend.
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/7/2022 6:51:00 AM
Thanks Andrea: I hear you. Many great Authors and Historians have written epics about wars and still they happen. Most of mankind wants to live in peace so it is sad that so many live in denial of evil . Ronald Reagan said we are always only one generation away from losing freedom. Not sure of the exact quote. Luv, SuZ
Date: 9/4/2022 8:22:00 PM
Wow, You sure pack a punch here, Suzanne, the fact the human race have not learned much from the past, these days spending so much time preaching how wrong history is.....Love this to my fav.
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/7/2022 6:40:00 AM
Hi Harry. I guess the fact that wars still go on is proof positive man soon forgets the horrors that war brings sadly. Thanks for your welcome visit and the fav. SuZ
Date: 9/4/2022 4:46:00 PM
Love the dove in the bubble, Miranda. As far the unanswered questions, some things are not meant to have an earthly answer, perhaps. Intriguing poem to think upon, my friend. Thanks for sharing, Bill
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/7/2022 6:31:00 AM
Hi Bill: Thanks for stopping by to comment. You are right in many respects it points out the importance of truth. Best, Suzanne.
Date: 9/2/2022 7:34:00 PM
A well-crafted and brilliant poem my dear friend Suz. I like it a lot. You've penned a great entry for a quite difficult contest . I also wrote one but I'm not sure if it's ok. Still editing and quite rough for me to make equal syllables. Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome couplet. Good luck in the contest my dear friend Suz. God bless you always and your writings. Hugs
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/3/2022 7:51:00 AM
Thanks so much for your welcome visit and kind comment. Len: Look forward to reading your entry. I have found with reading metered poems you get a feel for iambs quite naturally. Bless you too. Hugs, SuZ
Date: 9/2/2022 6:44:00 PM
You bring forth some deep and important questions here, your answers are transparently true, love it
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/3/2022 7:52:00 AM
Many thanks for your valued comment. So happy you enjoyed it. Hugs, SuZ
Date: 9/2/2022 6:20:00 AM
I do like this contest entry. Way to go. It reads like a good contender to me. I enjoyed reading it and thank you for sharing and for stopping by my blog. Sara
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/2/2022 4:17:00 PM
Thanks Sara: Continuing good thoughts for your son’s recovery. Best, SuZ
Date: 9/1/2022 11:17:00 AM
Fav'd, Suzanne, as I doubt men will ever stop coveting their neighbour's wife et al! Aloha!
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/1/2022 2:51:00 PM
So true, Rico: The spoils of War etc. Thanks for your Aloha. SuZ
Date: 9/1/2022 5:17:00 AM
Hi Suz …great poem well penned….love the last line “to account for man’s insanity” Debx
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/1/2022 2:53:00 PM
Thanks for stopping by to say G’Day, Deb: I appreciate you taking the time. Have you had your Vegemite today?? SuZ
Date: 8/31/2022 8:46:00 PM
Not until that day that our Lord sets foot on earth will History cease to repeat. It is sad but we see it all the time. Excellent theme SuZanne. Blessings my Dear...
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/1/2022 2:55:00 PM
Thankyou Michael: It does seem we are doomed to repeat this crazy cycle. Hard lessons for God’s children. Best, SuZ
Date: 8/31/2022 5:54:00 PM
No doubt. "There will always be wars, because we are not a peaceful species" ~Jinn from the movie 3000 years of yearning! ;) Good entry! I Am Anaya
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Suzanne Delaney
Date: 9/1/2022 2:58:00 PM
So true. Always yearning for what we haven’t got and wondering why we can’t have it. Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment. SuZ

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