Step Gently In My Soul
Grinning at revelry on amber arc of twilight sky
Silently in my embrace you whisper, asking why,
I hang my dreams on the wings of twinkling stars
And let them wander in space searching for mars;
So I point you to freedom, buoying eagle’s flight
And the moonlit horizon shimmering your sight
And the expanse of blue oceans bouncing in tides
And the invisible force of universe gravity guides.
As I hold you in my arms, to fold you in my heart
I assure you that nothing will ever keep us apart,
For you will always reside in my every thought
And be the flame of passion euphoric dreams allot;
Affirming my love in beauty of primrose flowers
And rainbow of colors past the retreating showers.
Oh, how I hold you near, treasuring you my dear
Serenading gift of future in endearments hearts revere,
Ready to engage the night in my romantic themes
As you walk in my reveries in dawn’s golden beams;
Step gently in my soul to amble in my dreams,
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
January 31, 2020
Placed 2nd: Famous poetic lines that inspire poetry contest
Sponsor: Silent One
“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams” By W. B. Yeats
From the poem Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Placed 3rd: Strand select B contest by Brian Strand
Copyright © Vijay Pandit | Year Posted 2020
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