Sometimes My Words
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Just to catch everyone up. I am doing well. My most recent film is presently doing the festival circuit and has garnered over 50 awards so far. This is a film I Produced and Directed. My next film is written/directed/produced by me. The poem I wrote is a rough draft and somewhat dark. Just what flowed out when I sat to write today. I’m on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter under my real name Armand Hamouth if you get the urge to look me up.
they’re sensitive my words
exposed wires
like veins hidden
under the scars
of too many verbal attacks
like swarms of vampire bats
who puncture the night
turn the downpour red
you’ve never been able to stay on key
or open doors that needed one
like the beating one under your breast
with the rusted bars and the rusted lock
living in the city
alone is your state of mind
where once you found
the company to be friendly
where you could block those thoughts
travelled in the dark memories of your existence
and the only light was the bright white smile
you so casually hid behind
your casual stiff pose that fooled no one
not for a nickel or a dime
where glass although smoother than ice
cracked under your sharpened blades
it was there your pretty face resided
ugly and broken from that perspective
until you pulled out
your pencil and paper
until you placed people
and moved them
taught them to talk
saw something in that
for a little while you turned off the tap
suddenly attracted a crowd
one or two even saw beyond your guise
felt fine just to be you
for a length of time
before you fell
on the pavement
in the concrete
oh too real
you were there
you were gone
and never regained your balance
life as easy as it comes
was too difficult
couldn’t explain
how you managed to grow old
sitting singular in your unlit corner
where nothing came of your success
or of your kind words
from your kind lips
and still kind
to the bitter end
Copyright © Maurice Yvonne | Year Posted 2019
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