Some Insects Are a Nuisance
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Fruit flies abuzz everywhere
Some fly here and some land plop
Doesn't matter if it is on fruit or poop.
Then they have the nerve to land in my stew
I think they have the right to life, but then.
They'd have sex and hatch oodles.
Two thousand more at a time
Even though I try not to keep score, see.
Swarms of them are too many to please me.
Drosophila melanogaster, go.
Setting some traps with fruit bait
They enter can't leave, trapped, stay.
Guess what, they have sex, and she lays her eggs.
In a short time, maggots start their ascent.
Well, throw them out, those pesky nuisances.
I thought I had them conquered.
I assumed the house was free.
Then to my surprise, one zoomed in my ear.
I was furious, angry as could be.
Up my nose one flew, to my amazement.
I blew and blew, used some spray.
I can hear him buzz today.
Copyright © Sara Kendrick | Year Posted 2023
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