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Some Insects Are a Nuisance

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Image result for pictures of drosophila melanogaster

Fruit flies abuzz everywhere Some fly here and some land plop Doesn't matter if it is on fruit or poop. Then they have the nerve to land in my stew I think they have the right to life, but then. They'd have sex and hatch oodles. Two thousand more at a time Even though I try not to keep score, see. Swarms of them are too many to please me. Drosophila melanogaster, go. Setting some traps with fruit bait They enter can't leave, trapped, stay. Guess what, they have sex, and she lays her eggs. In a short time, maggots start their ascent. Well, throw them out, those pesky nuisances. I thought I had them conquered. I assumed the house was free. Then to my surprise, one zoomed in my ear. I was furious, angry as could be. Up my nose one flew, to my amazement. I blew and blew, used some spray. I can hear him buzz today.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 8/25/2023 9:19:00 AM
I know how it is like when fruit flies swarm around rotten fruits. They are so annoying. As you say, they copulate, hatch eggs and maggots start their ascent..... quite repulsive. You have written a beautiful poem dear Sara. I can so well relate.
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/25/2023 12:13:00 PM
Good to know that you have experienced the same problem where you live. Thanks for the visit and such a nice review of my work. Sara
Date: 8/24/2023 7:18:00 PM
In Japan it's even worse, you know. They call them 'flute fries' over there though...
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/25/2023 3:19:00 AM
Now I wonder are those louder than the ones over here? Thanks for dropping by, Gershon. Your visit added a touch of humor to my page. Sara
Date: 8/24/2023 11:00:00 AM
uggg, my problem seems to be more with gnats. They are so pesky in my kitchen. I still remember the fruit fly experiments in jr. high science. Well, don't remember what I learned. haha. just that it was fruit flies!
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/24/2023 3:03:00 PM
Andrea, I learned the word drosophila in high school biology. Who would have thought I might use it in a poem someday. Thanks for the visit and taking time to comment. Sara
Date: 8/24/2023 10:53:00 AM
This made me smile , I’ve had so many experiences with flies, especially since i live in a tropical place, sometimes they become a nuisance. I loved the lines “ i assumed the house was free” thats the funniest part, you really are a creative poet. One that can leave an impression through words. Loved this
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/24/2023 2:58:00 PM
Thank you, IE. I appreciate the visit and taking time to comment on my work. I am glad you got a smile. Laughter the best medicine. Sara
Date: 8/23/2023 6:51:00 PM
Kinda cute I don't miss then at all. But here when they do come around they get a lot of attention.
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/24/2023 3:49:00 AM
I hope the attention is negative like fly swatter attention or even better bug spray. LOL..TS, Thanks for the visit and nice comment. Sara
Date: 8/23/2023 10:12:00 AM
A creative/fun ~ write/picture. I enjoyed reading it. Cooler weather and they will leave. Hooray!!! Have a great day.............
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/23/2023 1:24:00 PM
Paula, If only it would get cooler tomorrow. LOL..Thanks for the visit and nice review of my work. Sara
Date: 8/23/2023 8:43:00 AM
Oh so true, flies are definitely a nuisance and they create a ruckus and chaos of unhygienic disturbances.. You're so creative in writing and expressing, I had such a giggle reading this..
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/23/2023 1:20:00 PM
Hiya, Glad you got a giggle. I was hoping it would bring some humor to our lives. Thanks for dropping by and taking time to comment. Sara
Date: 8/23/2023 4:56:00 AM
- Oh dear Sara... smiling reading :))) - ... impudence ... and so disgusting ... from poop to cake ... making children ... so that there will be many thousands in your stew ... insect stew ... - hugs
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 8/23/2023 6:13:00 AM
Anne-Lise, They have been so numerous here this summer, but I hope that soon the cool air will make them go away completely. We have a vegetable garden and fruit trees and also buy some produce, and they come in on the fruits and vegetables then multiply. I have had to keep traps set all summer. I cut a water bottle or cola plastic bottle in half and put something in the bottom to draw them then put the top upside down in that bottle and they get in there and can't get back out. Sara

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