Sloppy, Slippery Rock
(Parody of Hickory Dickory Dock)
Sloppy, slippery rock
The boy ran up the rock.
The rock shook once.
The boy ran down.
Sloppy, slippery rock
Sloppy, slippery rock
The boy ran up the rock.
The rock shook twice.
The boy ran down.
Sloppy, slippery rock
Sloppy, slippery rock
The boy ran up the rock.
The rock shook thrice.
The boy ran down.
Sloppy, slippery rock
Sloppy, slippery rock
The boy ran up the rock.
The rock gave way.
The boy lost his sway.
Sloppy, slippery rock
Mother Goose Grows Up Poetry Contest
Sponsor- Miranda Hawley
Copyright © Valsa George | Year Posted 2023
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