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Shades of Crimson

innocent white lamb deep darkness; shades of crimson golden lion roars

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 10/17/2023 1:41:00 PM
Excellent senryu. I like it. He is the lamb Who takes away the sins of those who accept Him as their Savior. Thanks for sharing this one with us and for dropping by my page with congratulations. Sara
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Date: 6/10/2023 6:33:00 PM
No! I cry out! Here you’ve penned the entire history in eleven words, three lies that pull me prostrate to the ground weeping. The power of words? The power of a poet’s voice? The stunning truth of language and image over staying silent? Yes! You’ve set down here the truth of poetry to power, catalyst for motion to the heart, mind & soul. Heaven blesses your pen for its touching truth xox
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 8/10/2023 8:50:00 PM
Sally, thank you so much for your comment, I am incredibly blessed that you felt so strongly the message behind these few words. Our Lord, the innocent precious lamb of God is truly the Lion who is powerful and just! May He bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you my sweet friend <3
Date: 6/5/2023 1:38:00 PM
Such powerful biblical words, thank-you for sharing BJ. HUGS AND BLESSINGS, Jennifer
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 8/10/2023 8:47:00 PM
Blessings to you as well dear Jennifer <3 Thank you for your visit and sweet comments, hugs and blessings to you as well :) <3
Date: 5/26/2023 2:17:00 PM
BJ this one's a favorite. He will return soon my friend. Love this Poetry BJ. So few words and so Powerfully magnificent. Amen...
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 5/26/2023 2:54:00 PM
Thank you Michael, what encouraging words :) Your fave is a sweet honor. God bless you :)
Date: 5/26/2023 1:03:00 AM
Poor lamb. She can't escape.
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 5/26/2023 2:52:00 PM
My poem is a depiction, just an image that came to my mind after I read from the book of Revelation in chapter 5 verses 5-6. The lamb is the escape, and the lion is the lamb :)
Date: 5/25/2023 11:43:00 PM
I know exactly what you mean. This says it all. Love it
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 5/26/2023 2:56:00 PM
Thank you Anon, I'm so glad you like it, you read the book? My depiction from Rev. 5:5-6. Your comment is very uplifting to me.
Date: 5/25/2023 6:17:00 PM
Ewww powerful mighty write BJ….Clever!! Debx
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Legros Kelley Avatar
Bj Legros Kelley
Date: 5/26/2023 2:23:00 PM
I'm not so clever, but thank you Deb <3 It is just my depiction taken from the book of Revelation Chapter 5 verses 5 and 6, the lion and the lamb. <3

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry