I can't recall the day We met, It's all a blur,
A chance encounter, fate's aLLure,
Years swept away, not a single word exchanged,
I watched YOU vanish, we remained as eStranged.
Through Those coffee orbs, I see stars on a peaceful nIght,
But they held a secret, a worLd in disguise,
That red t-shirt, a memory so bittersweet,
A subtLe smirk, a haunting image I can't delete.
You claim I'm the best thing that you've ever found,
But do you really knoW me, or is it just A rebouNd?
A game you play wiTh your friends, a passing fling, Am I just an easy catch, a momentaRy dream?
Or are you seeking comfort in your troubled soul,
Am I the soothing balm that makes you feel whole? Will you stay once your heart's wounds MEnd,
Or vanish into the dreamland's bend?
I'll guard my heart and like I guarded your secrets,
You'll break my heart like you broke your promises,
And I'll sit in my same old room at my parents house,
Cursing myself for why did I fell for your lies.
And in darkness where I once caressed your soul,
I'll cry myself to sleep and hope you'll hold,
On to my memories.
Copyright © Curie Stark | Year Posted 2023
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