R and R
R and R
Fan those palm fronds a little faster, boys
As I recline here in dignified poise
I’m Cleopatra, your Egyptian queen
I require the most sumptuous cuisine
Not queen for a day, but for a whole week
Surrounded by tall men with great physiques
Quit your bellyaching, why can’t you grasp
I’m not fated to succumb to an asp
Just provide me with every luxury
Or I’ll send your wives to a nunnery
For seven days I’ll be waited upon
It’s my vacation so I can dream on
Classes I miss and work piles on my desk
As I relax, remaining statuesque
Rest and rehabilitation is grand
On day eight, I’ll respond to your demands
For Carol Brown's "A week to do as I please" contest
Copyright © Diane Locksley | Year Posted 2010
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