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Poetic Rythms Maria Williams and Husband Ron YouTube Channel

Producing Music videos that touch our hearts. Maria Williams and her husband Ron receive high marks. They put Poetry into Visual Musical Sounds and leave the viewers Amazed and Spellbound. So talented are they both to create and share. Just ask the Poet's of their work, together as a pair. Go to YouTube type in Poetic Rythms and see. All Maria Williams supporters, watch, and comment Please. Maria and her husband Ron have done videos for Tom Woody, Silent One, and others on the Soup. Please support her Channel Poetic Rythms on YouTube and comment on all the great Poetic Videos Maria and Ron have done. My two favorites are Step Ever So Light, and Tom Woody's The Spirit, The Water, & The Blood. She is currently working on one of mine. All that support Maria with her Poetry please go to her YouTube Channel Subscribe and comment, I am sure she will appreciate it, and who knows, your poem might be next she and Ron produce. Again please subscribe to her channel. Those that do thank you and I'm sure Maria appreciates it...

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Date: 2/6/2025 5:37:00 AM
My Dear Michael, We are so honoured by your outstanding and glowing tribute. We are quite humbled. We enjoy doing it - besides our own, finding the footage or generating it. (My Dad who went to play with the celestial orchestra years ago - was a great, the acoustics and special effects. Sorry for the delay in your video, but Ron's computer, even though fairly new had to go in for an upgrade as it was struggling and needed more 'grunt' a stronger processor and graphic card and more Ram and Memory. All good now. We are looking forward excitedly to see how your great lyrics come to life. Love and thanks to Judy and your brothers too - Hugs Maria
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/20/2025 10:54:00 AM
PS sorry for missing Ron's call I tried calling back I think it was too late Australia time. Left a message for you and Ron we were out this morning getting parts for our Snowblower we have had almost four feet of snow in three weeks...
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/20/2025 10:52:00 AM
Judy's Late husband Tom served in Vietnam and his brother in law Leon had a country and western band that Judy and Tom use to follow. How ironic is that? Plus you went two songs and I received six songs now first four and now two more for a total of six. Is AI going crazy or is it divine intervention? The Country song was awesome but I trust your direction. When you catch up on your projects I would love to write another song eventually if you allow me too. Thank you and Ron for all your help and professionalism. God bless you and much love to all of your from New York to Sidney Austrailia. Hugs...
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/20/2025 10:46:00 AM
Maria I got your new email and sent you Soup Mail. What an incredible story about our project song and your experience, unbelievable. New Soupmail 2/20/25 thursday 1:41 pm New York time. Thank you Maria and Ron for your efforts in getting this project done. God bless you and Ron Cecillia and your tech for such a great effort by all. Looking forward to seeing the video. I hope you share the entire story.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/8/2025 11:40:00 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your Techie sadly loosing his legs. You have quite the team Maria, in adding the skills to do what you and Ron and Cecillia do so wonderfully. It sounds like you have a supportive team to all work together to accomplish you and Ron's Goals. Thank you again Maria for your generosity. I hope we get lots of views for our video. It's a Country and Western song and, Country and Western is real big in the States, Country music that is. My wife and I selected the most countryish sounding song of the three and that was the last one or third one. That sounded the most country. I can't wait to see the video. I am sure with all the talent you all have it will be wonderful. Again from Judy and I thank you so much. Hugs...
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Maria Williams
Date: 2/7/2025 1:06:00 AM
Dear Michael, Thank you so much for your generous offer but we cannot accept. It is more than enough that you have done a huge job promoting which cannot be measured and we thank you very much. The divine quantum energy gives back more than what a person gives. We are fortunate to have a hardware Technician that custom built all our computers (all three of them) and rebuilt Ron’s to his specs to handle the huge files without ‘crashing’ (which is such a waste of time), at a reasonable price that saved us thousands of dollars. BTW, I admire our Techie guy, even though he is understandably feisty, having that he lost his only good leg a few years ago, and now he has no legs as the first one became inoperable when he was a kid. So Kudos to him. Hugs Maria and Ron
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/6/2025 3:57:00 PM
It was so difficult to choose between the three or four songs. They were all great. We changed our minds several times were so sorry for that. Finally we settled on the Country sound of the third song. I t had more of a Merle Haggard sound. The first one was faster more modern and used more electric guitar. It was nice but the two Country songs sounded slightly better. The third Country song we felt , Judy and I and my brothers and friends was best sounding. Who ever put the Music to my words is a genius. You could not picked a more perfect singer and music, it was unbelievable. Everyone that heard the country style singer and music Loved it. I want to thank you , Ron, and Ceccilia for your efforts and your YouTube channel. I will do everything in my power to promote you and Ron's Channel. God bless you and Ron and Cecillia. Hugs.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/6/2025 3:34:00 PM
Dear Maria I am so sorry about Ron's computer. He and you are always helping others in formulating the words to music to videos and you do so much for us that Ron's computer needed more of everything costing more money. You guys not only sacrifice your time but you spend money for all of us. I will soup mail and ask you for your address please allow me to send you a check and help out with the cost of servicing Ron's computer. I am so thankful for you and Ron.
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Maria Williams
Date: 2/6/2025 5:42:00 AM
A big thank you to all you wonderful poets who commented on your great tribute Michael. I've read all the great replys - Thank you guys for following me. I appreciate it very much and makes me try and raise the bar. BTW - Tom's Lyrics for 'Mary Rogers' was so sad. The Gangster which The Silent One read reached over 85k views. Keep creating everyone - hugs Maria and Ron
Date: 2/4/2025 6:52:00 PM
Hello Michael, I am now following her videos which I too appreciate very much. They are so well done! Thanks for singing their well deserved praises. Winter Blessings, My Ftiend, Daniel
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/4/2025 8:39:00 PM
I am so glad Daniel your following Maria and Ron's videos and Cecillia, Maria mentioned also is involved. I wish you could hear the music they put to my A New Years Wish Upon A Star. They did three songs and My wife, my brothers, and I had such a hard time choosing they were all wonderful, we settled on the third song it sounded the more Country. We kept changing our minds because all three songs were amazing. Maria was so kind to work with us.They are still working on the video and if it is anything like the song it will be so special. I wish I could do more for Maria and Ron and Cecillia they really deserve many, many, more subscribers I am trying to get the word out of their channel. Thank you Daniel for your much appreciated comment and for following Maria I am sure she appreciates that along with Ron and Cecillia...
Date: 2/4/2025 2:06:00 AM
I have one of my poems on YouTube, and I always follow her videos. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/4/2025 8:28:00 PM
Victor I want to tell you that Maria and Ron did the song off my Poem A New Years Wish Upon A Star. I wish you could hear the selection they did. I believe there were three songs. My wife and I had such a hard time choosing and changed our minds several times driving Maria and Ron crazy I would imagine. We settled on the third song. It was the most countryish. Ron and Maria did such an excellent job in putting music to my words, words don't do it justice. They are so talented. I am still waiting for the video to be done but if it is anything like the song, I know I and Judy will be amazed. They work so well together. I don't think Maria has seen this tribute yet. She and Ron deserve applause really. They did Tom Woody's song the Spirit, The Water and The Blood that was fabulous, and on her channel you see Maria's wonderful poetry music and video...Check her channel out and please comment Victor.
Date: 2/2/2025 5:48:00 PM
I have seen videos produced by Maria and her husband, Ron, and I love their work. It's amazing! This is an awesome tribute to a very talented couple. My very best wishes.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/2/2025 6:30:00 PM
Thank you Evelyn for your feedback on Maria and her husband Ron's work, and their tribute, they are much appreciated by this Community of Poets. Thank you Evelyn for stopping by God bless you...
Date: 2/2/2025 9:30:00 AM
She died really awesome work. I think I have tried commenting at YouTubes and it's hard for me to figure out. But I have seen their work. They both are so talented
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/2/2025 3:03:00 PM
Andrea they really are so talented. I will try to explain how to see her videos. On Google type in YouTube that will take you to YouTube. When in YouTube type in YouTubes search engine Poetic Rythms Maria Williams. That will bring you to her channel. Once in her channel you can select the videos you want to watch and enjoy. Below each video there is a comment section all you have to do is click on comment and share your thoughts on the video. She and Ron have many videos some made by her, some made and written by other Poet's. Maria and Ron take the song lyrics or (Poems into songs) and they so skillfully turn them into music and a video. Their work together is outstanding you have to see to appreciate. I wish more people would see Maria's and Ron's work I think they would have many, many subscribers...
Date: 2/2/2025 2:26:00 AM
Hi Michael I sure will look at their work. It's nice to know where to go to if we need such assistance - thank you and well done to Maria and Maria'a husband Ron. Blessings, Jennifer.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/2/2025 2:54:00 PM
Hi Jennifer please look at her and Ron's work. You have to see and hear the musical videos to appreciate them. Maria has done some of her own with story lines of AI and other wonderful themes to enjoy. She did a Halloween video Step Ever so Light that was masterfully created. You really have to see it to appreciate it. So You go on YouTube first then you search Poetic Rythms by Maria Williams and you get into her YouTube channel. There you click on the subscribe and notification button and every time she puts a video out it notifies you and you can be reminded to check the video out. Thank you Jennifer for stopping by I really appreciate your support, God bless you and hugs...
Date: 2/1/2025 8:59:00 PM
Wonderful, wonderful, Michael. A glowing tribute, much-deserved. ~ Gershon
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/2/2025 2:47:00 PM
Hi Gershon yes Sir much deserved. Her YouTube channel is there for everyone to enjoy. If you get a chance I recommend checking it out. She and Ron have many videos on the channel and you can see for yourself how well they were made and constructed...Thank you Gershon for stopping by I always look forward to hearing from you and reading your comments. Thank you again my friend...
Date: 2/1/2025 3:18:00 PM
I watched "Step ever so light" -- well done, interesting lyrics. The production is as good or better than I have seen elsewhere. Very talented.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/1/2025 3:54:00 PM
Joe I felt the same way as you. Tom Woody's song was impressive also. I will check out your suggestion. I am glad you are so supportive of Maria and Ron's channel. They do so much for the Poet's on the Soup. Maria has also done her own poetry and the video music combination is amazing to say the least in collaboration with her husband Ron. Again thank you Joe for your support you are a true friend I always count on. God bless you for being you...
Dimino Avatar
Joe Dimino
Date: 2/1/2025 3:31:00 PM
I suggest,, for Christmas Video.
Date: 2/1/2025 11:55:00 AM
Great tribute to them and the poets they post! Will look into it! :)
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/1/2025 1:39:00 PM
Thank you Dear Kim. Maria and Ron are so talented in what they do. If you look at their Music Poetic Videos you can appreciate the effort and skill that Maria and Ron have. The music they put to my poem was perfect they did four versions and they were all great. I had a hard time choosing and changed my picks two or three times. That is how amazing their selection of songs was. Maria's YouTube channel is Poetic Rythms you can see their the assortment of amazing videos her and Ron did. Thank you Kim for supporting Maria and Ron...
Date: 2/1/2025 9:22:00 AM
You are always a joy to read. Have a very blessed weekend as you write away..................
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/1/2025 1:42:00 PM
Thank you Paula for stopping by. I hope Dear if you get a chance to check out Maria's and Ron's YouTube channel Poetic Rythms and leave a comment. They both are so generous with their time to create these wonderful videos for the Poet's here on the Soup. I think you for your always appreciated comment and for supporting Maria and Ron. God bless you...
Date: 2/1/2025 2:24:00 AM
Hi Michael, I will check out her channel.
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/1/2025 1:45:00 PM
John thank you. You will not be disappointed. Our own Poet's have written some of the songs along with Maria and her husband Ron. The videos are in my humble opinion world class in producing. I know that Maria and Ron will eventually have a large fan base after people watch their videos and spread the word out. So glad you stopped by John and I hope you enjoy some of Maria's and Rons work... Hope all is well with you and may the good Lord keep you healthy and safe...
Date: 2/1/2025 1:23:00 AM
- Sounds exciting...thanks :) - hugs
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Michael Tor
Date: 2/1/2025 1:49:00 PM
Hi Anne-Lise it is exciting. I encourage you to Marias and Ron's YouTube channel Poetic Rythms you will be amazed at all the great Music Poetic Videos they have done. I want to watch them all and comment on each one. They are all spectacular. Thanks for stopping by and your much appreciated comment... Hugs...
Date: 1/31/2025 11:11:00 PM
Lovely tribute to Maria and Ron, we'll deserved too Michael, they make amazing videos. Tom
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Michael Tor
Date: 1/31/2025 11:29:00 PM
Thank you Tom. Yes they do make amazing videos. Maria and her husband Ron are so generous with themselves for others. They volunteer their talents and kindly do not charge for their services. I feel the least we can do for them is subscribe to their channel and support both of them. I am sure they both appreciate your kind words Tom. Thank you for your gentlemanly support as always. You are so much appreciated by all of us my friend. Thanks again for stopping by... and supporting Maria and Ron...
Date: 1/31/2025 9:32:00 PM
Awn this is so sweet and thoughtful of you to give a poetic shoutout for maria and her husband! Maria is a beautiful and very kind soul and they do amazing creating songs and videos for soupers too. I will have a look at her youtube channel. Didnt know before. Sending you light always dear michael
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Michael Tor
Date: 1/31/2025 9:43:00 PM
Dear Ink so kind of you to check out Maria and Ron's and our Poet's videos. Her YouTube Channel has many videos that are fun to watch and experience. I encourage everyone to check them out. Thank you for stopping by and supporting Maria and her husband Ron and their much loved videos...
Date: 1/31/2025 7:37:00 PM
Very sweet of you to give our very talented Maria a plug
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Michael Tor
Date: 1/31/2025 9:37:00 PM
Silent One also had work done by Maria and Ron. Those Poets that haven't heard or seen the videos were impressed by their talents. I recently submitted one of my poems that Maria and Ron are working on. They sent me the song to my words and I could not believe the professionalism Maria and Ron demonstrated in producing the song, everyone that listened to the four songs they produced were amazed. I can't thank them enough... Thanks for stopping by Tom have a nice day my friend...
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Michael Tor
Date: 1/31/2025 9:29:00 PM
Hi Tom she deserves recognition for all the hard work her and Ron do for everyone. Taking time from family functions busy schedules, and life style to spend countless hours to please us Poet's in creating musical videos to our poetry. Personally I feel all that love Maria and support her Poetry should take a few minutes and go on YouTube to Poetic Rythms and see the beautiful and skillful produce videos she has done for Poet's here on the Soup with her talented husband Ron. She did a great video and song to your Poetry Tom that I was so amazed at seeing and hearing.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things