Peek-A-Bird Tweet : Nursery Rhyme
Peek-A-Bird, Peek-A-Bird, Peek-A-Bird Tweet!
Jumping off the nuts, landing on its feet.
Peeks through windows on the ledge
Tucked safe away from the edge.
Is he saying, "thank you for the treat"?
He puffs out his chest against the breeze,
His feathers a shield, so he does not freeze.
The peanuts give him might.
We watch him with delight!
He sings, full and happy, flying with ease.
As darkness falls and he takes his rest
Cosy and plumped up inside his nest,
The joy we feel has no words!
For we chose to feed the birds!
One of the simple ways to feel blessed.
If you see birds in your garden or street,
Hang up a feeder with plenty to eat!
They'll feel good. We will too!
They'll sing heartfelt thanks to you!
Peek-A-Bird, Peek-A-Bird, Peek-A-Bird Tweet!
Written 25th November 2022
For the "Children's Limericks Poetry Contest"
Sponsor: Eve Roper
Copyright © Natasha L Scragg | Year Posted 2022
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