One Goal
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Written, December 15, 2024
Poetry/Pantoum/One Goal
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All Rights Reserved, 2024, Constance La France
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Sample poem for my contest, One Goal

I have but this one wish for the next year,
to improve my poetic writing skill;
finding the best of words to bring a tear,
pray my pen will find the right words to spill.
To improve my poetic writing skill,
so important for my journey forward;
finding the best of words to bring a tear,
I will pen of nature, flowers, or bird.
So important for my journey forward,
I have a dream but I need a good team;
I will pen of nature, flowers, or bird,
my team- poets old and poets who dream.
I have a dream but I need a good team,
will study writings and style of the old;
my team- poets old and poets who dream,
asking poets for inspiration gold.
Will study writings and style of the old,
finding the best of words to bring a tear;
asking poets for inspiration gold,
I have but this one wish for the next year.
Copyright © Constance La France | Year Posted 2024
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