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Oh Louise-If the Shoe Fits

There was a girl called Lovely Lou, She never seemed to know what to do. Many thought she was a fool, ‘Til, she said the jokes on you; she had filled their boots with crazy glue!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 4/3/2015 4:57:00 PM
made me laugh out loud - looks like they will come to a sticky end lol:-) Hugs Jan xx
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Adell Foster
Date: 4/7/2015 8:20:00 PM
LMBO, Thank you Jan for such a wonderful review of this piece. I am truly elated that you laughed out loud ;-) Hugs and Blessings, Always, Adell
Date: 2/18/2015 5:28:00 PM
got me giggling! just as long as it's not the toilet seat! Light & Love
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Adell Foster
Date: 2/18/2015 5:40:00 PM
LMBO, now that's a thought for sure, alas me thinks there'd be a lot of raw seats, as it seems that would be a wee bit harder for her heckler's to get loosed, ROFL ;-) Thank you Debbie for such a humorous review. ;-) Many Blessings, Always, Adell
Date: 2/18/2015 2:18:00 PM
A fun frolic in the imagination that is humorous nonsense that plays with words and sets us up for a chuckle. This poem is whimsical and all to human in its content and its delivery. A good child pleaser for the adult child that needs a little tickle once in awhile. Emile. #7
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Adell Foster
Date: 2/18/2015 5:08:00 PM
Thank you Emile for such an awesome critique of this bit of wry humor; I appreciate it greatly ;-) Many Blessings, Always, Adell

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