Speak up you say, but when I do, I hear anger...
Speak up you say, but when I do, it doesn’t make sense...
Speak up you say, but when I do, it’s the wrong answer...
Speak up you say, but when I do, you twist it around...
Speak up you say, but when I do, you don’t see my side...
Speak up you say, because what I say matters, you want someone with a voice...
Speak up you say, but when I do, it comes out all wrong...
Speak up you say, but when I do, it only makes things worse...
Speak up you say, but when I do, you can’t seem to fathom...
Speak up you say, but when I do, you don’t believe me...
Speak up you say, but when I do, I end up regretting it...
Speak up you say, but my voice you don’t hear, but words are scrambled...
Speak up you say, but this is why I don’t, why I’ve remained mute for years...
Speak up you say, is it really worth it, when it falls on deaf ears...
Copyright © A Rambling Righting Riley - Shauna Riley | Year Posted 2011
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