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more than meets the eye

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is half one teardrop still whole or part of a pair when we’re splitting hairs seen through a venn diagram tears share a hidden layer

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/31/2024 1:31:00 PM
very cleverly expressed. I like the illustration with it too. WELL done.
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 7/31/2024 2:24:00 PM
The illustration was almost as difficult to put together as the Tanka, I’m really not well up on web design, thanks so much Andrea, cheers David
Date: 7/28/2024 5:36:00 AM
Just revisiting this one - part of the intrigue is that it's written almost like an exam question. There's a riddle of maths that morphs into philosophy quite beautifully. I'm trying to imagine the model answer and getting nowhere. I am discounting that tears come from a reservoir (although I might rule that back in), then we get the infinity of tears as they split off and 1 become 2 and 2 become 4, then I'm further away from the answer because I should be reducing down to get it into the venn
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David Kavanagh
Date: 7/28/2024 7:29:00 AM
But you are the observer that brought clarity to the overall picture by trying to figure it out, forcing me to take it from a state of flux and give it reality, see how the quantum world interacts with us! Bonkers eh!
Da11y Avatar
Di11y Da11y
Date: 7/28/2024 7:17:00 AM
I'd have never got the science, but feel like I should have got the observer! :)
Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 7/28/2024 7:06:00 AM
Heya Dilly This one is probably based on the (two slit experiment), in which a photon of light can be both a particle and a wave depending on whether it is observed or not, I think tears too may well have a dual effect, so the overlap in the Venn may well be caused by what the observer sees, either empathy or no compassion whatsoever, fuzzy logic until it meets the eye, phew! :) remember we’re splitting hairs here!
Date: 7/27/2024 12:17:00 PM
I found humor in this one. As the title says 'more' than meets the's a concentrated tear! another mind bender!
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David Kavanagh
Date: 7/28/2024 2:47:00 AM
Heya Anaya, humour could well be in this multilayered one, not on purpose but perhaps as an eye floater in the Venn diagram, nevertheless it was an enjoyable one to write, cheers David
Date: 7/25/2024 11:01:00 PM
Well you are all about the layers David and this has got my thinking on overdrive! Firstly, I read it and just had to sink into the beauty of how gentle the observation was and couldn't write anything at all. My mind also is extrapolating beyond the words and starting to form ideas with the fact tears leave a film, stains, tracks. So bringing myself back in - but honestly it still takes me to a place I can't express from - really quite powerful. I'll think about it all day, I'm going to fave it
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David Kavanagh
Date: 7/26/2024 5:48:00 AM
Oh No! I hope this one hasn’t got you overthinking Dilly, lol! Your Yerres effect poem, actually sowed the seed for this one in my mind, and it grew into this multilayered poem, I was quite amazed when it started to flow from one line into another and still make sense, I designed a simple Venn diagram from the Canva app, so readers could see what I was actually trying to describe, I’m quite proud of this one, and also proud of your Fave, cheers David
Date: 7/25/2024 7:29:00 PM
You delivered a unique way of looking at suffering and grief.
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 7/26/2024 5:35:00 AM
Trying to peel back the layers Kim, it’s what I do, the Venn diagram only depicts the overlapping complex nature of grief and despair, great to hear from you, cheers David
Date: 7/25/2024 4:45:00 PM
I agree this is thought provoking and I prefer tears of happiness. But those from sorrow can release and relieve some anxiety and pain.
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 7/26/2024 5:32:00 AM
Perhaps there is something in a tear or a bifurcated tear, that helps us through a distressing situation Karen, this one is perhaps a roundabout way of describing that unknown variable, thank you so much for stopping by, cheers David
Date: 7/25/2024 3:20:00 PM
clever title and thought provoking piece David - only tears I like are happy ones:-) hugs jan xx
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Kavanagh  Avatar
David Kavanagh
Date: 7/25/2024 4:06:00 PM
Heya Jan, I agree happy ones are always best, I do get them sometimes believe it or not, this one was probably triggered by Dilly’s the Yerres effect, thanks for stopping by with uplifting comments, cheers David

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