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Moonlight Shadow

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Moonlight Shadow Broken dreams On purple flamed wings Celtic rumors Burning bright Crosses and crescents Knights and swords In the mist of a weary mystical night I saw her lying there, chest broken and bare Picking her up, horse galloping away We escaped the arrows and swords She my sworn enemy lay half dead and splayed My duty for not to tribes, but only to save Slaved to the sword, this moment I escaped Both bloodshed and grief Freedom at last In a hut in the forest I dressed her wounds I caressed her heart Our eyes met over the firelight I emptied myself into her She, with lips so sweet Drained the flood of tears and hate From my very being Shocked that love should strike me as an arrow I held her, my first and only love For three days and three nights We whispered to each other foreign words I touched her face and as she touched mine In my arms she died Softly and loved I buried her I buried my hate I buried my sword I buried my history Celtic rumors Burning bright I, at peace For the final flight I held love within my arms For that celestial moment in time Now the final embrace Wrinkled and old I kiss deaths door Knowing within She is there to greet me

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 5/1/2016 6:58:00 PM
This is the kind of amazingly beautiful poetry I wish I could write! You are the master, Arturo! I just love it! Hugs and a 7. Pandita
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Date: 4/18/2016 10:37:00 PM
Dearest Arthur WOW I love this my dearest friend oh my god, it swept me off my feet unto a world of dark splendor, I'm completely captivated beyond the journey of words, I'm loving this master work of yours, brilliant a seven for graces dark perfection, I bow before your ink wells sword of magical vision, and am slain to your romantic battle field of romantic prowess, this is a seductive piece I'm truly spell bound, captured in the imagery of your inspiration, wow again, cheri d.
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:51:00 PM
I an so touched but such a lovely complement Cherl, you know my thoughts are always with you these days!
Date: 4/18/2016 2:54:00 PM
how eternal is this chance to meet the one who is both a seeming foe and lover... you simply caught me deeply engaged in this radiant piece, arthur, ohh my!..huggs
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:50:00 PM
Oh Nette, such nice sweet words please me so, thank you so much, knowing it resonated with just 1 other means so much! Hugs!
Date: 4/18/2016 2:51:00 PM
wow, what an amazing love story in this poem. Unusual and awesome.
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:49:00 PM
I guess I should add, it was so nice of you to do that blog for him. Warms my heart to see such kindness! Hugs!
Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:48:00 PM
The poem or me? oh wait I know Timothy!!!!! :) kidding, thanks Andrea!
Date: 4/18/2016 10:58:00 AM
Excellent poetry, a love story so different,
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:47:00 PM
Thank you so much Harry! Long time no see, hope all is well with you!
Date: 4/18/2016 7:18:00 AM
WOW!! I was expecting something dark and twisted, something dripping with what is to come... But this is wow, a love story that crosses barriers of language and time. Enchantingly beautiful! I am very impressed.
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:46:00 PM
Oh dont worry, check the closet! :)
Date: 4/17/2016 10:07:00 PM
Would love to know what you were listening to - I wish to be inspired to write a gothic masterpiece like this!:-) hugs Jan xx7
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Jan Allison
Date: 4/17/2016 10:32:00 PM
Will drop by and listen to her - not that keen on the french bit lol:-) hugs Jan xx
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/17/2016 10:30:00 PM
Nolwenn Leroy, one of my favorite Celtic singers. She is actually from France, and sings in both languages!
Date: 4/17/2016 8:25:00 PM
And yes a wee touch of the Irish story telling inspired by a singer I fancy!
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/20/2016 9:52:00 PM
Well, great just great, but whom?
Date: 4/17/2016 8:12:00 PM
Wow...I have torn meanings in my head...Is it about love, or hate, or death or all of the above...all I know it is great...a fav
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Arthur Vaso
Date: 4/17/2016 8:22:00 PM
A love story, and again, having read your works I think I incorporated some of the style in here! The mix of romance and romantic along with my Gothic and dark all in one!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things