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Moonflower Premiere Contest Winner

Poet's Notes

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Oh dreamy lass of fragrant wiles, a parasol of white unfurled.. your bloom beguiles her moonlight miles, a mirror pale in petals whorled. Her face in phases does allure and casts enchantment not demure, yet bud’s flirtation just as sure; a flower-moon on long stem’s dance with wind in sweep and sway romance, vanilla toffee scent does prance beyond the buxom moon all smiles as incense wafts from airstream’s world and paramours does damsel lure — enkindled moths in nectar trance. Susan Ashley February 18, 2023 (Fragmented Rhyme) ~ First Place ~ Premiere Contest: Fragmented Rhyme Sponsor: Emile Pinet Rhymes confirmed with: Syllables (8 per line) confirmed with: Rhyme Scheme: A B A B C C C D D D A B C D

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 2/18/2024 8:39:00 PM
I can see why this poem won first place. I'm not sure why, but I love "a flower-moon on a long stem's dance" in particular
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Susan Ashley
Date: 2/19/2024 8:12:00 AM
Dear Robert, your gracious visit and beautiful comments are wonderful to receive. I'm so glad to know that particular verse stirred your imagination, that's music to a writer's creative spirit. Sometimes we don't know why certain phrases capture our attention but it's wonderful nonetheless. The mysteries of imagination are fascinating. Thank you, my poet friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 8/26/2023 11:43:00 AM
It's the real thing that I want to learn from.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 9/2/2023 9:09:00 AM
Dear TS, your visit is a delight. Thank you for your lovely comment. Your time spent with my poem is most appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 8/18/2023 3:17:00 PM
My dear friend, your verses out loud to this old poet's eager heart. Such a multitude of fantastic verses as to astound one. Truly a very masterful production and another fav for my list. God bless you.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 8/19/2023 10:06:00 AM
Dear Robert, your heartfelt comments are a joy to receive! Thank you for your gracious visit, my dear friend, and for the grand honor of your fav. For a poet of your esteemed stature to think so highly of my poem is, for me, such a sweet reward. Warmest wishes and appreciation.. ~Susan
Date: 7/24/2023 3:31:00 PM
A blissful moonscape with enticing imagery. "Beyond the buxom moon all smiles" a warm and almost sinful word how clever! Morning Glory with many names, my favorite is Moonflower, luscious isn't it. Susan, congratulations on your trophy win with another masterpiece! A difficult form used, xhugs ~Anaya
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/27/2023 8:45:00 AM
Dear Anaya, it is a pleasure to receive your visit and wonderful words. Your comments are insightful and beautiful. I'm glad to know we share an admiration for moonflowers. Indeed, they are luscious and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your valued thoughts and for extending your warm congrats. In gratitude for you and your kindness, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 7/22/2023 7:45:00 PM
My dearest poet friend, Susan your outstanding poem graces my morning Sunday sun. This is sooo beautiful. I love it and enjoyed. Thank you so much for sharing. Belated congratulations on your win and this superb poetry! God bless you always and your writings. Hugs.. hugs
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/23/2023 9:07:00 AM
Dear Len, I'm filled with gratitude for your kindness. I am humbled and honored by your heartwarming response to my poem. Both your lovely thoughts and kind congrats are received with full appreciation. Thank you for your visit, your kind presence is highly valued. Warmest wishes, my poet friend.. ~Susan
Date: 6/30/2023 11:15:00 AM
Such a stellar, top notch rhyme to an enticing flower. My attempts at growing Moonflowers invariably fail. Your captivating verse reminds me of the grace + charm of those exceptional blooms. I hope all is well with you, Susan. Take care. Sincerely, Brian
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/15/2023 8:06:00 AM
Dear Brian, it's so wonderful to see you! I have been away from PS for the last few months. Life has been keeping me too busy to enjoy the creative process and the wonderful poetry fellowship within these golden pages. Hopefully, I'll have more free time soon, fingers crossed! Thank you for your uplifting words, they are a pleasure to receive. I admire your attempts to grow Moonflowers. Maybe next time they will flourish, like your graceful poetry rippling from your grand poetic pen. All is well here, just exceptionally busy. I hope all is well with you and yours, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 6/19/2023 12:20:00 PM
Dear Gracious Susan, Belated congratulations on this very complicated style of poetry. You sure brought it home with this one. Enjoyed
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Susan Ashley
Date: 7/4/2023 8:59:00 AM
Dear Nancy, your belated congrats and lovely comments brighten my day and are received with gratitude. I'm so glad to know you enjoyed this piece. It was a complicated one for sure, I must have checked the rhyme scheme, indentation and syllable counts a million times before posting lol! I get a little anxious over details like these. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 5/3/2023 4:40:00 AM
Susan, I really admire your use of imagry. The words paint the picture. That is such a talent. Moonflower breaths! Rz
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Susan Ashley
Date: 5/3/2023 6:34:00 PM
Dear Ray, I relish the beauty of your comments. Thank you for sharing your treasured thoughts with me, they are truly enchanting.. "Moonflower breaths!" - wow! I am elated, my friend! Your uplifting visit is received with gratitude, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/27/2023 4:38:00 PM
congrats on your well deserved trophy win. I was noticing the phrase buxom moon. So cool.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/27/2023 5:02:00 PM
Hi Andrea! I’m so glad you noticed “buxom moon”. I was trying to describe the ample roundness of the full moon and buxom came to mind. Your comments and congrats are inspiring. Thank you, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/18/2023 6:51:00 PM
Dear Susan, your composition is very delectable, as always. The sensual appeal and musical flow lend it an irresistible charm!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/20/2023 8:05:00 AM
Dear Harpreet, how lovely it is to see you! I revel in your wonderful visit and in the beauty of your comments. Thank you for sharing your precious thoughts with me. They are held forever in my grateful heart. I've not been active on PS recently since life has been full and overflowing the brim in many wonderful ways these days, but I will visit you very soon, my sweet friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/14/2023 2:28:00 PM
Beautiful image to go with your poem, Susan. Belated congratulations on your Trophy Win! Yeah! There is such beauty in nature, you displayed it well through your poetry. Have a blessed day, my friend. Bill
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/20/2023 8:01:00 AM
Dear Bill, my wonderful Texas friend, your visit fills me with joy! Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts and kind congrats with me. You never fail to be a shining presence on my poetry page. Please accept my apologies for my delayed response to your lovely comments, life has been full and overflowing the brim in many wonderful ways these days. Warmest wishes, your South Coast friend.. ~Susan
Date: 4/12/2023 1:36:00 PM
I just had to read your poem, Susan, as it shares its title with my favourite Santana album - and wow! your words did not disappoint. Once more I'm late to the party but big congratulations on your win. - Big congratulations even if you hadn't have won. It's a great work. Cheers - Gary
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/20/2023 7:59:00 AM
Dear Gary, you are never late to the party, my friend! Always so glad to see you! I've always loved the transcendent music of Santana. Moonflower is both such an enchanting song and fabulous album! Please accept my apologies for my delayed response to your lovely comments, life has been full and overflowing the brim in many wonderful ways these days. Thank you, my dear friend, for your uplifting words and kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/4/2023 3:57:00 PM
Belated, but huge Congratulations, Susan, on your Trophy win. This is definitely an outstanding poem, Dear Poet. I am just mesmerized with your incredible images and word-choices! Love and best wishes ~ Mala
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/20/2023 7:43:00 AM
Dear Mala, it's so wonderful to see you! Your golden presence has certainly been missed. Please accept my apologies for the delay in my response to your lovely comments, life has been full and overflowing the brim in many wonderful ways these days. Thank you, my dear friend for your uplifting words and kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 4/1/2023 12:02:00 PM
WoW! Susan, This is outstanding! I echo what Frederic said. Congratulations on your trophy win. It was well deserved:-)Alexis
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/20/2023 7:41:00 AM
Dear Alexis, it's wonderful to see once again! The light of your presence has certainly been missed. Please accept my apologies for my delayed response to your lovely comments, life has been full and overflowing the brim in many wonderful ways these days. Thank you, my dear friend for your uplifting words and kind congrats. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/31/2023 11:44:00 AM
If only...if only I could write the poetry you write I would dance across the skylight glow and spill my ink on the Milkyway...beautiful dear poet, dear friend
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Susan Ashley
Date: 4/1/2023 9:51:00 AM
Dear friend, dear poet, the beauty of your words dance upon the bloom of my imagination like a gossamer-winged butterfly. So welcomed is your visit and so cherished is your exquisite poetic comment, Frederic. Thank you, my poetic friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/25/2023 9:11:00 AM
this is absolutely beautiful, my friend - so pleased (but not surprised) to see it took the top spot in the contest x
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/25/2023 9:25:00 AM
Dearest Jack, your visit fills me with joy! Thank you for sharing your lovely thoughts with me. You never fail to be a shining presence on my poetry page. Your poetic friendship is ever at home in my grateful heart. Warmest wishes, my wonderful friend.. ~Susan
Date: 3/23/2023 6:26:00 AM
You describe the "dreamy lass" so beautifully Susan, Well penned
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/23/2023 6:54:00 PM
Dear Joseph, it's wonderful to see you! Thank you for sharing in the fanciful spirit of this poem with me. Your inspiring presence is truly appreciated, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/22/2023 12:54:00 PM
WOW!!! Congratulations on your win. A lovely write/picture. I wish you would write more. You are a wonderful writer. Be blessed as you write away..............
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/23/2023 6:59:00 PM
Dear Paula, it's so wonderful to see you! Thank you for your lovely response to my poem and for your heartwarming congrats. Your wonderful sentiments are very touching. I wish I had more time to write as well but both family and work obligations keep me on my toes these days. I truly appreciate your uplifting visit, my friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/11/2023 9:32:00 AM
I just wanted to return to give congratulations on your first place trophy, it is well earned and your talent is truly exceptional, am hoping you are having a lovely March~
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/25/2023 8:42:00 AM
Dear Michelle, thank you for your gracious return visit and heartwarming congrats! Both are received with a grateful heart. Your inspiring friendship is cherished and your precious poetry is treasured. Your poet's soul never fails to touch my heart and imagination in the most endearing and magical ways. I've had a very busy March, but a good kind of busy. I hope you're having a wonderful March too, my lovely friend. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/11/2023 9:15:00 AM
Congratulations Susan on your First place in the poetry marathon, the imagery here is off the scale, only matched by your incredible diction, I am so delighted even to finish so far down the field behind you, cheers David
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/25/2023 8:32:00 AM
Dear David, thank you for your beautiful comments and heartwarming congrats. They are received with a grateful heart. Congratulations to you as well, dear poet, for your fine final placement in the Marathon contest! It was such a pleasure to run these many miles with you. Warmest wishes, my wonderful friend.. ~Susan
Date: 3/11/2023 7:12:00 AM
Both the poem and accompanying visual are gorgeous, dear Susan. No wonder this entry placed 1st in the contest! I am sure that I'll never see a tribute to a moonflower that could surpass this one! Excellent vocabulary, imagery and rhyme. {a fav for me} Warm regards and hugs my friend. // paul
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/11/2023 8:01:00 AM
Dear Paul, I am elated by your beautiful response to my poem. I have a habit of writing the poem first and finding the visual second so I'm glad to know that the poem and accompanying image dovetail so nicely. Thank you, Paul, your lovely comments are held in the depths of my appreciation along with the high honor of your fav. Your inspiring presence here is keenly felt and truly cherished. Warmest wishes and hugs my friend.. ~Susan
Date: 3/4/2023 12:34:00 PM
Dearest Susan , Your magic shines here as your words entrance and capture us in the lure of your Moonflower . Who would not want to be dancing on the moonbeams of your fragrant vision … So rich … as is your heart and soul . Sending love to you my friend and whispers of gratitude on white wings . Congratulations. Xx Susan :)
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/6/2023 8:32:00 AM
Dearest Susan, my soul sister and lovely poetess, we can't help but to connect with the cosmos. I cherish your thoughtful and beautiful words. I'm so glad you felt the lure of the moonflower. Like the moon, she has many paramours enkindled by her powers of fascination. Thank you, too, for your beautiful response to my poem How Do I Hold The Wind, I left my reply to you there this morning. I hope you have a chance to read it. I relish your creative, intuitive and gentle spirit, my inspiring friend. Sending love and hugs on white wings of gratitude to wrap you in my warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/3/2023 10:46:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, once again your words weave an enchanted spell around the heart - "parasol of white unfurled," "vanilla toffee scent." But then, which image does not tempt the reader with its allure. Beautiful metaphor written with spellbinding magic poetry sis! What a verbal treat to read this amazing poem sweet poetry sis! Congratulations! Warm blessings on fragrant zephyrs to you!!
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/6/2023 9:13:00 AM
My Dearest Rhyme Time Friend, it is such a joy to receive your wonderful words.. they are like a bouquet of yellow daffodils tied with a blue ribbon.. colors of happiness that fill my heart with seeing you here. Thank you, my inspiring poetry sis, the magic of your response to my poem is a thrill that touches me deeply. I cherish you, sweet lady! Your kind congrats are received with gratitude. Warmest wishes, love and hugs sent on vanilla toffee breezes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/1/2023 9:23:00 PM
just great write and congrats for 1st placement
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/6/2023 8:59:00 AM
Dear Mahtab, thank you for your wonderful visit! Your comment is uplifting and your kind congrats are appreciated. Warmest wishes.. ~Susan
Date: 3/1/2023 7:13:00 PM
WOW! Congrats! Thanks for sharing this... delightful and delighting from the start 'til the end. I'm especially mesmerized with this line "your bloom beguiles her moonlight miles." God bless you.
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Susan Ashley
Date: 3/6/2023 8:57:00 AM
Dear Beata, your gracious visit is received with gratitude. I am thrilled to know that you especially enjoyed the line "your bloom beguiles her moonlight miles." I love that line too! Thank you for sharing your precious thoughts with me. Your kind congrats is truly appreciated. Warmest wishes, my wonderful friend.. ~Susan

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry