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Misplaced Concern

I become quite vain when around pretty girls. And a whole flock of them makes my head whirl. Attempting sensitivity, I asked one, "Do you have a disease?" She said, "I was fine a moment ago, but NOW I wanna hurl!" NOTE: This was based off a true story (though I exaggerated it slightly, for the sake of having it rhyme and fit with the limerick). I came into work one day and noticed one of my co-workers didn't look so hot. I was concerned and said, "Are you feeling alright today? Did you sleep well?". She just looked at me and said, "I'm quite fine, Timmy. I've actually had a full nine hours sleep... I just didn't take the time to put my make-up on this morning". Needless to say I never quite heard the end of it...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 5/20/2013 10:10:00 AM
LOL! Poor girl! However, makeup is overrated. I'm sure if she never wore makeup she would be still extremely pretty. Don't worry, Timothy, I've had my share of embarrassing moments as well. They fade in time...unless she chooses to never forgive you. Haha!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/20/2013 5:17:00 PM
Yes... I like the look of natural skin! I get used to how people look WITH make up and then get confused when they take it off... it's a tedious chore if you ask me (I obviously don't know what it's like, but I image I'd be a somewhat sloppy girl if I was female... LOL!)...
Date: 5/20/2013 9:25:00 AM
HA! Some people...this was awesome to read!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/20/2013 5:16:00 PM
Thank you Drake... we all got a good laugh at it in the end so I honestly don't regret saying it...
Date: 5/18/2013 7:51:00 PM
wow! I will call it the wrong insensitive way to approach some one having a bad day... But, what do I know.. I would have saved the conversation, and just walked away. anyways~ you did good rhyming the limerick... LINDA
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/19/2013 12:32:00 AM
Well it might make more sense if you knew the people in the situation... I just thought it was funny to write about... lol. Thanks for stopping by and sharing a laugh!
Date: 5/18/2013 7:52:00 AM
Ouch! That must have hurt. Good thing you have two feet or did you find a way to get that one into your mouth as well? Thanks for the laugh Tim.
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/18/2013 2:48:00 PM
A mouthful of feet... you clever, you! In an odd way I'm thankful for these embarrassing moments... they make good material at least. My "sensitivity" might be lacking though... lol.
Date: 5/18/2013 7:04:00 AM
Thanks for the smile this morning!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/18/2013 2:46:00 PM
You're welcome :)
Date: 5/18/2013 6:04:00 AM
This is hilarious my friend! I just loved reading this incredible delightful and wondrous poem Timothy! What a tremendous piece, you have written a glorious are you still this sensitive around girls? Ha ha, Great Work!!
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/18/2013 2:46:00 PM
I'm working on it... it isn't easy! My mentality is that they won't take it personally... *sigh*... I'm not the brightest of the bunch!
Date: 5/18/2013 5:25:00 AM
Very lovely poem... It is enjoyable. But I am pretty concerned about your sensitivity around girls.. Is that true? or part of the poetic scheme? :D
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/18/2013 2:45:00 PM
Well I didn't actually say, "Do you have a disease?"... though I might as well have, judging by the prolonged reaction! Don't girls appreciate when guys notice things? Lol...
Date: 5/18/2013 1:06:00 AM
hahaha. good one. It reminds me when a student says, Teacher, you look tired. that pisses me off so bad if they say it when I had a good night's sleep@@@
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Timothy Hicks
Date: 5/18/2013 2:44:00 PM
Yes... well... I learned my lesson! I figured they would be pleased that I bothered to notice at all... guess not, in this case!

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