Memories Sonnets
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Sonnet from Memories - Episode 5
Shadow dance of distortion fade in and out
Teasing to the fore then get wrested back
Manipulative psychic games with subconscious
Like the sun rays flitting behind clouds of black
Memories of her's succumb to quiet whispers
Disappearing hope with each ponderous breath
Green eyes with sadness reflects in the mirror
Broken spirit recedes into shadowy death
Fading expectations with each passing hour
A life once had – Gone for no reasons
Day brings no enlightenment or answers
Night brings its own dreams and demons
Whispers that fade into lurking silhouettes
Seeming familiar faces slink back into regress
Sonnet from Memories - Episode 7
Who so ever says that - ‘tis better to have loved
And lost - than never to have loved at all’
Has expressed mere words off a flippant tongue
Has not seen a soul burn or tears of blood fall
Nor witnessed love that has appeared but once
Or Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and their tragic end
Nor perceived true love’s departure that burned like acid rain
Tennyson’s profound poetic words can never ever mend
A heart that has shattered in a million bits
No words of advice no matter how well meant
Can repair these damaged lungs that cry out for air
A plea for amnesia would doubtless be better sent
No measure of anaesthesia can this pain erase
Surrender to sweet amnesia this curse to replace
Video Clip - Guy Sebastian - ‘Amnesia’
Copyright © Maria Williams | Year Posted 2018
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