Love Scattered
The painting on the wall has faded
just like your love for me,
I see it, your eyes tell it so vividly…
The glint is gone,
They don’t light up,
When I enter the room anymore
These days I don’t even get a second glance…
It is like I am part of the furniture,
The novelty has worn off…
Whatever happened to me being your world?
I never thought this would be our end game,
I still love you but your love for me has faded.
Slowly but surely, we are no more,
Our love no longer a priority...
I am tired of being in a relationship with myself,
The one who does the talking,
The one who reach out first,
You no longer yearn to touch me…
Feeling like a byproduct
Of a once beautiful union
Now jaded, no longer needed…
Copyright © Wilma Neels | Year Posted 2010
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