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Legally Parked

Intro... 1.Scotland has 20,000 methodone users-Double any country in Europe. 2.Our Government has spent 105 million pounds on it in 4 years ! 3.After a 3 year programme only 3% of users ARE TOTALLY DRUG FREE. 4.Parking addicts on methadone is clearly not getting people off drugs. Tommy"s parked on methadone,syringes all at sea. This heroin substitute to make him drug free. Saved from the gutter and no more petty crimes. A body torn with needles,not like yours or like mine. Drugs get the wrath and the public condemnation. Now we"re spending money on his rehabilitation. Our countries funds continue killing fellow man. Its a costly failure,its a deathly plan. Drug deaths happen all over this land. Twenty thousand users,get our heads out of the sand. We deal with the symptoms and not the real causes. These poor wretched souls,we are poisoning their bodies. One third of drugged corpses,contain that green curse. From you and me given, from the public purse. We have blood on our hands but its not too late. Tommy"s still alive,what will be his fate?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 1/21/2011 10:27:00 AM
hmmm, I have heard that in Italy the govt. just lets folks have their drugs on welfare cause it's easier than having to deal with their real problems. Must be the same in Wales.Sad to hear this. The world is full of woe right now. It seems there are no answers. YOur writing shows your concern. LUv, Andrea
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Date: 1/21/2011 10:24:00 AM
Hey, thanks for all your comments about table tennis. Yes, I had a guy in high school who taught me the "spin" on the ball. Once I learned to do that, I became quite good at the game. But that one guy always beat me. Maybe one time I managed to get the better of him at his own game! Let me see this poem of yours now.
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Date: 1/21/2011 6:34:00 AM
Sad estate of affairs that this is happening..This is happening in America with people who get hooked on pain killers from chronic pain..The drs put them on Methadone because it is less damaging to the liver...Most use it until they die..I don't know about illegal drug users though..Good informative work.Your presence at my work was very encouraging ..Sara
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Date: 1/20/2011 6:25:00 PM
William, I have heard that methadone is ineffective and wonder why doctors are still using it to try and break the heroine and other drug habits of users. Your poem makes a powerful point and the description is a compelling argument for change. This poem is going to my favorites. I haven't read your work before, but hope to see more of it. Welcome to Poetry Soup. Thanks for your comments - my husband died just four years after we married. Best wishes, Carolyn
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