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Jack Frost

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****** I awoke this morning to Jack's winter show. The icy winds whirled across the horizon with glee. As this prankster froze all the rain into snow, The bright sunlight glistens from the tops of the trees. It shimmered and pranced for all the world to see.   The magical Jack Frost made his entrance once more. He's the spirit of winter and has the heart of a juvenile. A mischievous old elf, impish to the core. A masterful sculptor, poetic in style. He will create a winter scene you can see for miles. Written on 12/14/2021 A Stand Poetry Contest 1073 ~~1st~~

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 2/15/2022 7:43:00 AM
Congratulations on your win. Your "Jack Frost" is a a wonderful/beautiful write and picture. I would love to have that picture. Stay warm as you have a blessed day writing away......................
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Debra L Brown
Date: 2/15/2022 8:46:00 AM
Thanks Paula your so sweet to comment.Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 2/14/2022 9:11:00 PM
Back to your poem with hearty Congratulations on your win ! Enjoy dear !
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Debra L Brown
Date: 2/15/2022 8:48:00 AM
Thank you my dear friend, always happy to hear from you, Hugs ~ Debra
Date: 2/14/2022 6:00:00 PM
You make me smile~what a delightful expression of that impish Jack Frost who turns our dull landscape into a winter wonderland. Congratulations on your win in the contest....well done! :)Paulette
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Debra L Brown
Date: 2/14/2022 7:14:00 PM
Thank You Paulette, for taking the time to read the poem and to comment. Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/30/2021 2:52:00 PM
Enjoyed reading your very descriptive work. We don't have very much of this kind of weather, but they say either this weekend or first of next week there is a possibility. Thanks for dropping by my page. I made a typo in my poem "The Kudzu Patch" and the word should have been murmur. LOL..Sara
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/30/2021 3:52:00 PM
Thanks Sara it's always a delight to talk to you again. Your very kind with your words. Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/27/2021 10:09:00 PM
Delightful read! Enjoyed! Happy New Year to you and your near ones, Debra :)
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/28/2021 6:39:00 AM
Thanks for your comment. Blessings to you and your family this next year.... Debra
Date: 12/26/2021 12:41:00 PM
Excellent quintains, Debra--skillfully written and vividly descriptive! Janice
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/26/2021 12:55:00 PM
Thank You, Janice you are to kind with your words. Happy New Year ~ Debra
Date: 12/24/2021 11:40:00 AM
Wishing you and yours a Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas.
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/24/2021 3:25:00 PM
Merry Christmas, to and your family ~ Debra
Date: 12/23/2021 12:30:00 PM
Nice pen Debra, real good wintery imagery and insightful thought too. It reminds me of the movie 'Jack Frost' starred Michael Keaton. Blessings, Gordon
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/23/2021 4:24:00 PM
Thank You, Gordon for taking the time read. Merry Christmas ~ Debra
Date: 12/23/2021 10:01:00 AM
He’s a juvenile, a mischief, a sculptor and poet! Nice!
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/23/2021 4:29:00 PM
Merry Christmas Kim, thanks for taking the time to read my poem. Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/23/2021 8:11:00 AM
Jack Frost is a masterful sculptor, embracing the world with its cold breath. Enjoyed reading, Debra. Merry Christmas May Yall be blessed with lots of Hugs & Love
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/23/2021 4:31:00 PM
Your so sweet Eve, thank you taking the time to read and comment. Hugs
Date: 12/23/2021 4:29:00 AM
Such lovely imagery you convey in this beautiful poem Debra. Enjoyed the metaphors and descriptions of winter.
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/23/2021 4:32:00 PM
Thank you Vijay, your words are to kind. Seasons Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/23/2021 12:43:00 AM
And you in turn create the most exquisite creative winter scene, yes Jack frost does visit the countries who have annual snow he also comes to our beautiful Drakensberg mountains in June July every year which stretches from Natal to and including our lovely Kruger National Park . Happy Christmas Deb. Hugs and blessings Jennifer
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/23/2021 4:58:00 PM
Thanks Jennifer for mentioning the Drakensberg mountains, I had to look them up, very beautiful. I never knew they had snow in Africa. I learned something new today. Thanks for reading Jack Frost, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hugs ~ Debra
Date: 12/22/2021 8:39:00 PM
In a strange way i miss him, Debra, yet better at my age, he's long gone, having been raised in UK, but now enjoy the heat of Christmas here in Perth W.A. Anyhow i digress, lovely poetic piece you present for us all. Have yourself and family a joyous festive season..Harry
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/22/2021 8:59:00 PM
Thanks Harry, for taking the time to read Jack Frost. I would like to live in a warmer climate, not much for the snow. I want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. I looking forward to reading your poems and writings this year. Debra
Date: 12/22/2021 9:46:00 AM
I love the way you describe the mischievous Jack Frost. Each season captures such beauty. You have exquisitely captured winter snow Debra. This is a beauty! Have a wonderful Christmas. Blessings xxoo
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/22/2021 7:56:00 PM
Thank you Connie, for your encouragement. Christmas Blessings. Hugs
Date: 12/21/2021 8:18:00 PM
Debra, you have painted the winter scene so beautifully ! I have seen winter snow only in pictures. In the Northern states of India, there is snow fall. As a tourist, have had a passing glimpse of snow. You have brought the scene so vivid before my eyes. Thanks dear one .
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/22/2021 7:58:00 PM
Dear Valsa you are to kind with your words, thank you for your encouragement. Merry Christmas. Hugs
Date: 12/21/2021 3:42:00 PM
Debra , I love The icy winds whirled across the horizon with glee ! How fun to be Jack Frost . Wonderful imagery . Happy Holidays . Susan :)
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/21/2021 3:55:00 PM
Hi Susan, I'm glad you enjoyed the poem. Your words are to kind. Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/21/2021 3:28:00 PM
what delightful imagery Debra, I always used to love the 'ferns' he painted on our windows as a child ... before double glazing lol:-) hugs Jan xx
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/21/2021 3:48:00 PM
Thanks Jan, I often wonder where the ferns came from when I was a child. My dad always said "Jack Frost", That's one of my dads favorite tales. Christmas Blessings ~ Debra
Date: 12/21/2021 1:15:00 AM
This is lovely Debra and love the pic. We finally got our snow late this year here in Alberta. We usually get the snow that stays at the end of October but this year it didn't get here until the end of November. Nice job here. God Bless, JB
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/21/2021 9:02:00 AM
Thanks Judy, I'm glad you like the poem. I image living in Canada you enjoy alot a winter scenes. I love the snow but I hate the cold.I enjoyed your comment. Merry Christmas ~ Debra
Date: 12/20/2021 7:08:00 PM
Hi Debra….love this poem. How lovely having snow at Christmas….we on the other hand have a weather prediction of 41 degrees for Christmas Day….not looking forward to that! Aircon Aircon Aircon!! Take Care. Debxxx
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M  Avatar
Deb M
Date: 12/20/2021 9:07:00 PM
Where do live Debra….that’s hot!!! Debx
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Debra L Brown
Date: 12/20/2021 7:43:00 PM
It's suppose to be in the 50's here. I guess the only "White Christmas" I'll see is in a movies. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I'll glad you liked the poem. Debra

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry