It Only Hurts Because It Rains
Wandering eyes piercing silent wounds
focusing on whatever temporarily resumed
wondering what havoc makes this love abound
never turning to look around
eyes only for each other
closer than a brother
lush we have in togetherness swoon
not a fragile balloon
stare into the deepest oceans
blue and hazel turn into private notions
a precious gem of emerald green
sparkling in winters seen
focusing on what's golden
values set in motionless smoulder
shameless in perfection felt
turn no tables forever dwelt
may no person interfere
their name will smear
melodies steep the night
holding on tight
viking and Celt collide
conveying what's on the inside
seeking virtues amongst the plains
it only hurts because it rains
Copyright © Angela Crabtree | Year Posted 2021
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