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It Ain'T Cheap

Poet's Notes

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My daughter, who inspired this poem, sent me the photo she generated with the poetry text (now some 12+ after the original publication). The stable's my favorite spot I can walk jump cantor and trot With horse--my friend true I take ribbons of blue For the cost of owning a yacht!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 7/21/2015 1:04:00 AM
Duke, I got my mind set on a boat. LOL, Since I can't afford a yacht. I mentioned it to my hubby, he laughed at me. He does not understand, how important it is for me to have a Yacht. I like horses too, but I'd rather swim with dolphins in hopes to see jaws one day. LOL. Love the limerick. Thanks for sharing your favorite spot through a limerick. Love SKAT
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/15/2024 7:36:00 AM
Hope you have what your heart desires!!
Date: 8/16/2012 6:35:00 PM
Great one! I enjoy your poetry very much! And thank you for your insightful comments as well. Always, Laura
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/15/2024 7:35:00 AM
Just adding a picture to this posting and saw I never answered this comment. Hope you are well.
Date: 10/9/2011 10:26:00 PM
great point made Duke.. simple life so fun.. the yacht crew turns me off luv.haha.. super as always... luv..
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/15/2024 7:35:00 AM
Yes, a good life does not require a yacht or private jet!
Date: 10/2/2011 6:13:00 PM
I SIPPED CHAMPAGNE ON A YACHT AND struted IN MONTE CARLO TO SHOW 'EM WHAT I GOT! horsies are nice, just look in their eyes so i have to like this short yet quiirky poem, which it seems u have a penchant for and i dig 'em.i think i wrote you yesterday to thank you for my poem about giving deer an uzi and make the "sport" fair. u remarked "everyone should be a vegetarian" i am not, i am an omnivore and will eat nothing who has a mother---peace my slightly muddled minded friend..~free cee!~
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/15/2024 7:34:00 AM
You understand a lot!
Date: 10/2/2011 1:52:00 PM
well, it has to be very satisfying for you, if it isn't cheap. Good limerick, Duke.
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Duke Beaufort
Date: 2/15/2024 7:33:00 AM
It's my daughter!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things