In the Realms of Love
In the realms of love, hearts are
entwined and set alight,
Emotions roam day and night,
Dreams turn into reality,
And a note saying take care
as it's easy to lose your sanity.
In this enchanted place, darkness
and shadows of doom disappear,
Flowers bloom all year, and the flame
of hope is always burning here,
Hearts dance with joy hearing the
Great Reed Warblers sing,
Their beautiful song makes Winter
seem like Spring.
In this sanctuary of love each smile,
a sunbeam,
Each glance, a silent promise,
Every heartbeat echoes a thrill,
Words are few, and with a gentle
touch, souls beam with excitement
and are no longer tranquil.
In the realms of love, spirits lift,
Happily, they wander through
the world searching for True Love,
a rare and precious gift,
Once found, two hearts sync,
hope’s fire ignites and feelings of joy
hint that the search wasn’t in vain,
The gift of True Love is a tapestry
woven with threads of joy, compromise
and pain.
By Zyrool
Copyright © Zyrool Gifford | Year Posted 2025
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