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In the Realms of Love

In the realms of love, hearts are entwined and set alight, Emotions roam day and night, Dreams turn into reality, And a note saying take care as it's easy to lose your sanity. In this enchanted place, darkness and shadows of doom disappear, Flowers bloom all year, and the flame of hope is always burning here, Hearts dance with joy hearing the Great Reed Warblers sing, Their beautiful song makes Winter seem like Spring. In this sanctuary of love each smile, a sunbeam, Each glance, a silent promise, Every heartbeat echoes a thrill, Words are few, and with a gentle touch, souls beam with excitement and are no longer tranquil. In the realms of love, spirits lift, Happily, they wander through the world searching for True Love, a rare and precious gift, Once found, two hearts sync, hope’s fire ignites and feelings of joy hint that the search wasn’t in vain, The gift of True Love is a tapestry woven with threads of joy, compromise and pain. By Zyrool

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/2/2025 10:13:00 PM
Dear zyrool, youv delivered a poem woven about true love very well here! In such a seamless manner! Absolutely love the way especially youve written "In this sanctuary of love each smile, a sunbeam, Each glance, a silent promise, Every heartbeat echoes a thrill," heartfelt and moving! Pleasure reading your work today! Sending you light always
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 2/3/2025 4:51:00 AM
Thank you so much for your beautiful words, Ink. Much appreciated. Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead, my friend. Stay Blessed.
Date: 1/23/2025 2:29:00 PM
Yes, true love is a gift of two hearts woven together working for the common good of both. I enjoyed reading this one. Sara K
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/23/2025 3:10:00 PM
Hi Sara, thank you for the read and your kind words. Glad you enjoyed it. Wishing you a great rest of the week and a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Date: 1/23/2025 3:30:00 AM
Hi Zyrool, may I say what a wonderful poem you wrote. Keep it up.
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/23/2025 6:16:00 AM
Hello Victor, thank you for your beautiful words of praise and encouragement, greatly appreciated. Sending Blessings your way, my friend.
Date: 1/22/2025 7:13:00 PM
The gift of True Love is a tapestry woven with threads, and you dear poet seem to weave them just right ! A Masterpiece of a poem Zyrool
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/22/2025 9:39:00 PM
Thank you for your beautiful words, Rose. They are a much needed boost for my heart. Sending Blessings your way,my friend.
Date: 1/22/2025 5:40:00 PM
Hello Zyrool, oh, i really enjoyed this romantic poem. I felt the passion. it will be my fav. Hugs. /Darlene/
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 1/23/2025 10:07:00 AM
Hello Zyrool, Your welcome. Yes a fav. I am glad i made your day brighter. thank you. I wish you the same. Hugs. /Darlene/
Gifford Avatar
Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/22/2025 6:57:00 PM
Hi Darlene, thank you so much for the read and your beautiful words. Glad you enjoyed it and a fav, WoW I’m thrilled. Big Thank you. Stay Blessed my friend.xx
Date: 1/22/2025 3:50:00 PM
a beautiful poem and poetry, about deep loving, thanks poet
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/22/2025 6:54:00 PM
Hi Yang, thank you for your support and your kind words. Sending Blessings your way, my friend.
Date: 1/22/2025 1:45:00 PM
A beautiful poem of love Zyrool! Debx
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/22/2025 6:53:00 PM
Thank you for your lovely words and for dropping by, Deb. Enjoy your day/night.xx
Date: 1/21/2025 9:23:00 PM
Love is a thing, we all arduously seek. But it is a hard thing to get. Still the search won't be in vain, if we are ready to compromise and are willing to sacrifice. A lovely poem written in the fullness of love and when dreams have been turned into reality. Zyrool, you have knit a beautiful tapestry with the thread of love.
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/21/2025 10:16:00 PM
Thank you so much for your beautiful words, Valsa. Means a lot. Sending Blessings your way, my friend.
Date: 1/20/2025 10:25:00 PM
Beautiful words - love is portrayed so deeply in this poem
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/21/2025 4:10:00 AM
Thank you so much for your beautiful words, Paige. Means a lot. Have a wonderful day my friend.
Date: 1/20/2025 6:53:00 PM
This is a very romantic, uplifting poem. Beautiful.
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Zyrool Gifford
Date: 1/21/2025 4:34:00 AM
Hello Hilda, many thanks for your beautiful comment, your words motivate me. Wishing you a fabulous rest of the week, my friend.Stay Blessed.

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