I Think of You - Where You Bloom - 4
A transparent melody paints the walls
in the coloured scent of fresh linen.
The changing of sheets in the morning air
can not erase our dance from evening last.
Outside a late spring asleep too long
with no blooms until June, awakens.
Fully opened September flowers
perfume late night conversations.
Looking outside reveals
only one set of footsteps in both directions.
The days when I would watch you walk,
lagging behind with a smile.
The moss grows wild in the forest...
trees surrounded by families of mushrooms.
The word "family"
so I...
An I for an I
and soon the whole world will be in love.
How I long your hug,
your body encompassing mine.
God exists
no greater proof...
With a single tear I
lay flowers where you bloom...and I
i think of you.
March 20 2015
Copyright © Maurice Yvonne | Year Posted 2015
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