I Got Hit By a Car
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On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 my daughter and I stopped by Cosco to pick up a few things on the way home from visiting my husband who lives in a care facility. We saw an old woman begging by the roadside with a sign that said "PLEASE HELP. NEED FOOD." My daughter parked and went over and gave her some nuts and cheese snack packs she had with her and I found $5.65 in change in my purse which I went over and gave her. Walking back to join my daughter by her car to go into the store a woman who wasn't looking where she was going hit me with her car. She was just pulling out of the parking lot so she wasn't going very fast but it was fast enough to send me flying and I hit the road and rolled to a stop. I was taken to Urgent care and checked over and X-Rayed and found no broken bones but I'm really deeply bruised and it hurts to move. Been off work ever since and really can't afford it because it takes a lot out of my pay cheque. Going back to the doctor tomorrow. Will need a note saying when I can return to work and if I need light duty for awhile. (sigh)
I got hit by a car.
My daughter's worst nightmare by far.
She saw me get hit and then watched me flip,
As I rolled to a stop all ajar.
Many folks ran to my aide.
They told her to not be afraid.
They called 911 for medics, first aide,
And said, "Just wait here by the car."
I'm healing quite nicely now.
Off work for a week was allowed.
There are no broken bones, they said to go home,
Take my meds, just relax and lay down.
Deep bruises seems all that I got.
My back, sides and arms hurt a lot.
I'm on muscle relaxants cause moving is taxin',
But I'm tough and a sissy I'm not.
(i can do this. yes i can)
Copyright © Judy Ball | Year Posted 2023
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