Hungarian Night Wish
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Our little family was together
.......for now
Daddy was asleep on the couch
and I was here sharing your bed
in your little student flat
tomorrow our togetherness would unravel
We'd be forced to travel
leaving you behind
in this enchanting Hungarian city
to make your dream come true
you'd be a physiotherapy guru
one day
As I struggled with the heaviness in my heart,
a heaviness I knew
you would come to know
when the fullness of motherhood you'd show,
you turned to me and gurgled a laugh
the unfettered kind
that only comes in dreamland
I gazed at your face in wonder
then it came to me again
another girlish giggle
and just as was gone
for your dream carried you
and I was left holding on
desperately wanting this moment to last
I let out a sigh
Looking out of your window
up at the Hungarian sky
my eyes focused on a star
as my heart breathed a wish
that your laugh would come as readily
in your wakeful hours
as it did in your dream
that you'd always be cognizant
how blessed you are
My life, my star
I closed my eyes
as I felt the burden slowly shift from my heart
though separation would come in the morning
nothing could steal the memory of that sound
that magical dulcet chime
of my daughter in her prime
blooming with love
for her true mother...
Yes, my sleeping angel
though goodbyes will be said
I know that everything...
Yes, everything
will be alright
for I heard you laugh
in your dreams tonight
Eileen Manassian Ghali
Copyright © Eileen Manassian | Year Posted 2017
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