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Image result for pictures of babies in utero at 12 weeks A fetus at 12 weeks. This baby could be aborted. 

Verbicide is sometimes committed in my works Those works could be perdures forever Aborted babs Untimely deaths Homicide with our tax dollars is that righteous A child that never gets a chance at life I am not a savant but this is wrong Will we as a nation get our comeuppance What? eternal life~ heaven? What? eternal life~hell? I hope heaven I hope not hell

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 3/6/2021 6:54:00 PM
Always an explosive topic, abortion... I remember when the argument for abortion was that otherwise women (and girls) would be aborted with a coat-hanger in a back-alley somewhere. Now, it's a 'woman's right to her body.' What will it be next? ... On a related note: Why do we have 'hate crimes' when murder is involved? Murder is still murder by any other name. Just as it is here. As Kim wrote, the piper will be paid -- if it's not already being paid. Thanks for reading, Gershon
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/7/2021 4:47:00 AM
Gershon, I know that abortion is not a good thing anyway a person looks at it. Once going to an abortionist was dangerous or deadly or the woman/girl still be pregnant with complications now it is safer but still is murder. I think women centers need to exist but without the abortions paid for by tax dollars. I think there should be counseling for women/ girls on all aspects of their bodies so they can be informed and maybe not make wrong choices. I think the day after pill is a good thing for circumstances of chance like rape. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 9:06:00 PM
I agree with Jack's comment below Sara, I find the subject difficult, But i do relate to your poem, and the strength of your opinion, with respect, as i also respect human life.
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/6/2021 4:55:00 AM
Harry, I understand that it is a very touchy subject. I see that you agree that human life is an important subject. I appreciate you dropping by and leaving your comment. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 12:58:00 PM
thought provoking write here, my friend
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 3:13:00 PM
Jack, Thanks for dropping by. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 11:08:00 AM
I can never accept abortion, because on conception life begins. There are groups that help.
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 3:11:00 PM
Victor, Yes, there are groups that will help a woman get through a pregnancy and help her keep the child or get it adopted to a loving couple. Thanks for dropping by. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 11:04:00 AM
Hi Sara, I do believe that life starts at conception. I know people who get abortions and live in regret. But my only issue is, a woman feeling like she has no options and try to matters in her own hands. Adoption is the best solution to abortion. Thanks for shedding light on such a sensitive issue- Alexis
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 3:08:00 PM
Alexis, Yes, I agree that adoption is best for all around in these cases. I appreciate you dropping by and sharing your feelings. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 6:53:00 AM
- "A child that never gets a chance at life" ... all right to be an angel in heaven ... I get sad at the thought of abortion, Sara - Great written - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 6:59:00 AM
SS, Yes, it is a disturbing topic. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 6:49:00 AM
Will this stir many hearts? Crazy that the living wish others dead? They themselves being held comfortably within a mother who did not deport them to the grave. Not even the grave! No stone! You say a lot here, bravely, steadfastly! A fave for me as is life! God bless you always!
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 6:56:00 AM
Kim, I being a woman and human can understand a woman finding herself in an unplanned pregnancy but two wrongs don't make a right. A person should give the baby a chance at life. I know God has them all in safe keeping. Thanks for the visit. Sara
Date: 3/5/2021 6:41:00 AM
All human life is precious Sara, what right has mankind got to destroy it. No right whatsoever. Tom
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Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/6/2021 7:37:00 AM
Yes, Kim, those who have the knowledge of Jesus and thump their noses at Him will pay if they don't repent. Sara
Rodrigues Avatar
Kim Rodrigues
Date: 3/5/2021 6:51:00 AM
Ooh, Sara! Love your comment! Unless people repent, there will be a comeuppance and nations are looked upon by God, especially those who were a shining beacon on the hill!
Kendrick Avatar
Sara Kendrick
Date: 3/5/2021 6:48:00 AM
Tom, The Bible says it is murder and that a man should pay the father of the child a certain amount of money. Would those doctors continue doing what they are doing if they had to pay for those deaths with their money? Thanks for the visit. Sara

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