Heart Release
Heart Release
Oh how I have tried to push you away
Escaping into daydreams and fantasy
Purposeful intentions and made-up agendas
Pretending you were unimportant
Something to avoid
Chocolate chip cookies and Chardonnay
Softened your advance
Pushing you down
Your effervescence rising from the depths
Clinging to me like morning mist on the seashore
Oh how I long to know you
Almighty Fear
Come to me
Dance with the molecules of my soul
Become me
For we share one breath
Let me embrace you
Jump into my arms
My child
Let me caress your intention
For lifetimes I have sought
To push you away
Not recognizing or being ready
For the messages you deliver
My heart is open now
My ego silent
I welcome your arrival
I grasp your hand
I swim in your torrent
Twisting and turning
Making my way
I allow upheaval
Grief and tears
Unlocking buried treasures
Unearthing promise
Welcoming rebirth
I feel you beckon me onward
Traveling with you to Astral planes
Far beyond this Universe
Through darkness and mist
Witnessing the outer glow
Of dying stars
Flickering flames reinvented
Into birthing baby seeds
Cocoons of life opening
New forms spring into
White yellow glow
Fluttering velvet softness tickles the air
My senses alive
You have become my partner
I encircle you now old friend
You inhabit my soul
Riding this wave of life
Grateful for you
Copyright © Susan Lawrence | Year Posted 2021
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