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Heart Release

Heart Release Oh how I have tried to push you away ......Fear Escaping into daydreams and fantasy Purposeful intentions and made-up agendas Pretending you were unimportant Something to avoid Chocolate chip cookies and Chardonnay Softened your advance Pushing you down Your effervescence rising from the depths Clinging to me like morning mist on the seashore Oh how I long to know you Almighty Fear Come to me Dance with the molecules of my soul Become me For we share one breath Let me embrace you Jump into my arms My child Let me caress your intention For lifetimes I have sought To push you away Not recognizing or being ready For the messages you deliver My heart is open now My ego silent I welcome your arrival I grasp your hand I swim in your torrent Twisting and turning Making my way I allow upheaval Grief and tears Unlocking buried treasures Unearthing promise Welcoming rebirth I feel you beckon me onward Traveling with you to Astral planes Far beyond this Universe Through darkness and mist Witnessing the outer glow Of dying stars Flickering flames reinvented Into birthing baby seeds Cocoons of life opening New forms spring into Consciousness White yellow glow Fluttering velvet softness tickles the air My senses alive You have become my partner I encircle you now old friend You inhabit my soul Riding this wave of life Grateful for you Fear

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/14/2023 9:23:00 AM
A welcoming rebirth indeed. How I enjoyed journeying through the weaves of your vivid mind with you. Fear intertwines itself into so many aspects of life. Capable of freezing one in time or leading that next step in a better direction. Better to work with rather than be controlled by it. I seem to have lost the intimacy of my poetic word some time ago, so I have not written from my mind's heart for a while. This was a wonderfully vivid read for me Susan :)
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 1/15/2023 9:41:00 AM
Dear FJ, Thrilled with your visit and delighted you could take this journey with me . It’s hills and valleys have been a gift to me and brought me a greater understanding of myself and others . Wishing you continued intimacy with your poetic words . Onward ! Susan :)
Date: 12/26/2022 10:32:00 PM
Dear Susan, this is one of the challenging sort to read; a poem that refuses to be easily interpreted after a casual single read. There are deeper waters flowing that force the reader to re-read and to question why you are becoming allied with FEAR. If we only know the negative aspect of FEAR, we cannot fathom how it is also a powerful force in keeping us alive, by challenging carelessness and recklessness (you could well write a companion piece about PAIN). But the careful reader will follow your evolution of thinking as you moderate your viewpoint (turning on the phrase "my heart is open now"): FEAR no longer paralyzes, it challenges; it no longer terrorizes, it motivates, it no longer constricts, it informs. I love the line, "Flickering flames reinvented Into birthing baby seeds". I am in such awe of your depths of thinking, feeling, and writing. Every one of your poems (like your paintings) is crafted with the utmost of care, artistry, and outpouring of emotional wisdom. A FAV.
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 12/31/2022 11:50:00 AM
Oh John, If only we could all think and feel and interpret as you do. You are such a deep well of heart and intellect and I am honored by your thoughts, perceptions and presence. This poem came to me after grappling with some fear..I realized I could learn from it and dance with it . In time I realized the power of evolution it held. In gratitude for your fav . Thank you for taking this artistic journey with me through words and paint. I deeply appreciate your being a part of it. Big hugs and all good wishes to you and yours for a healthy happy 2023 ! Onward my friend ! Love, Susan :)
Date: 4/30/2022 2:33:00 PM
Often we try to convince ourselves that a problem does not exist, and instead we seek the benefits of our comfort zone....'til eventually we find the courage to face up to it. ~ Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem, my friend. ~ Regards & Hugs // paul
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 6/20/2022 7:09:00 AM
Dearest Paul, Thank you my friend. I just realized I had not replied to your lovely comment from months ago !! Hello to you . I look forward to reading more of your beauties soon. Sending love and all good wishes to you and yours. Susan :)
Date: 5/17/2021 3:14:00 AM
Such a profound piece! I love the use of light alliteration that add flavour to your delightful poem.
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 5/18/2021 11:15:00 AM
Thank you JCB! I appreciate your kind words. All the best, Susan
Date: 5/1/2021 6:50:00 AM
"We have nothing to fear but fear itself" face it, embrace it; only then can we move on. A wonderfully expressed verse on the emotion of fear, Susan, nicely done my friend. Have a great weekend. Hugs, John
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 5/3/2021 7:53:00 PM
Thank you dear John . Hugs to you . Looking forward to more of your poetry ! Susan :)
Date: 4/28/2021 5:15:00 AM
Your poem is awesome Susan--we can all learn from your insight. Not easy to do, but facing fear is the only way to overcome it. Your write is so unique!
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/29/2021 9:01:00 PM
Thank you so much Vijay ! I appreciate you comments. Its a journey for sure ! Keep writing your inspired poetry. Susan :) Looking forward to reading more of it.
Date: 4/28/2021 12:07:00 AM
Wow, you take the pen and like a sword seek out your fear, and destroy with wonderful poetry such as this is...Love it..
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/29/2021 9:00:00 PM
Thank you so much Harry ! I am inspired by your soulful poetry - Looking forward to reading more of it ... Susan :)
Date: 4/26/2021 2:51:00 PM
Fine free verse Susan, great imagery and insightful thought too. Take care, Gordon
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:58:00 AM
Hi Gordon , Thank you so much . Sending all good wishes. Susan :-)
Date: 4/26/2021 3:28:00 AM
We all have fear... specially the fear of the end... the end of everything.. your beautiful poem resonates how that very fear.. fear of the unknown.. has also taught you to overcome the same.. as you have stated 'become me, for we share one breath'. 'Riding this wave of life, grateful for you'.. and helped you understand the soul of universe better.. so profound and expressed so well my dear friend.. Hugs.. ~ Ani
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:57:00 AM
My dear Ani , thank you for your lovely and insightful comments . I am so happy to hear from you . Life has been busy . Looking forward to reading more of your poems soon . Big hugs, Susan :-)
Date: 4/25/2021 1:05:00 PM
The depth and breadth of your mystical, spiritual de-fanging embrace of fear is expressed from a profound place of soulful imagination. I can imagine, dear Susan, that how embracing your fear - to release the fear of it - would enliven the senses and consciousness and, I can imagine how many lifetimes it took to build the courage to do so. Magnificence spills from your gifted pen, dear poetess. Warmest wishes, my inspiring friend.. ~Susan
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Ashley Avatar
Susan Ashley
Date: 4/27/2021 7:42:00 AM
Thank you, Susan, and YOU are an inspiration to me as well, sweet lady :)) Your poetry resonates with me very deeply.
Lawrence Avatar
Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:55:00 AM
My dear friend .... Susan How honored am I to be be graced by your thoughtful comments. Thank you for your presence, your intelligence , your interest and your heart . You are certainly an inspiration to me . Big hugs , Susan :-) Looking forward to reading more of your magic soon !
Date: 4/25/2021 7:30:00 AM
I like how you processed the emotion of fear. I believe each emotion serves a valuable purpose. One certainly feels alive and one’s senses are heightened during those moments. When we push past paralysis we can accomplish great things.
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:51:00 AM
Thank you dear Richard ... I appreciate your comments. You are very correct ... the sky is the limit when we push past our limitations ... expanding our heart along the way ! All the best , Susan :-)
Date: 4/24/2021 7:43:00 PM
Sounds more like transcending fear! A bubble imaginary, which bursts noiselessly, in stillness. Amazing write as always, Susan!
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:49:00 AM
Thank you Unseeking Seeker ! I am always grateful for your comments . Keep up all the great writing ! Susan :-)
Date: 4/24/2021 4:45:00 PM
wow, embracing one's fears. So difficult but you write of it so profoundly and beautifully!!
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:47:00 AM
Andrea, thank you ! It is a journey for sure . Big hugs, Susan :-)
Date: 4/24/2021 11:29:00 AM
It has been so long between poems! Well done, Susan! Every day, I love looking at your painting of Yvette conquering her fears! Aloha! Rico
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Susan Lawrence
Date: 4/27/2021 6:47:00 AM
Life has been calling out in so many ways ! So happy to be writing again . Big hugs Rico :-)

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry