Happy 57th Birthday Mama
Happy 57th birthday Mama
As a little girl
I used to be jealous of all the kids you adored and loved
Because I just wanted you to be mine alone
Of course I knew you loved me more
But I just wanted to be the only girl in your heart
I was a selfish hungry little girl...
A grown woman I am now
Totally maturing and understanding your lifestyle
And ever you the same
Never turned a child away from your home or anyone else
You are what a mother should be with a kind loving heart
Your sweet smile alone is my joy
I know some people took advantage of your kindness
But you hardly noticed nor cared
You just keep on giving and sharing your love
Mama, thank you for inspiring me
And setting an example of how to be a caring woman
Today you turn 57 and your family is celebrating you happily
Appreciating and sharing the gift of your life
You are our home
Our everything
And my one true best friend in the World
May the good Lord continue to bless you with many more happy and healthy birthdays to come
I love you with every beat of my heart Mama
Happy 57th birthday Mama!
Akkina R Downing
Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017
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