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Gone To the Dogs

the day my life went apparently somewhere else ~ these are not my shoes 4/8/2020

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 4/30/2020 9:52:00 AM
Great senryu. Bravo, Maureen.
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/30/2020 12:44:00 PM
Thank you Line! One of my favourite N/A's ;), xomo
Date: 4/27/2020 5:21:00 PM
Very cute and delightful. Unexpected as well. Quit and witty! ***NiynaChe
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Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/28/2020 7:33:00 AM
It was for "the day my life changed..." contest, my muse had a fart ;), Thank you! xomo
Date: 4/14/2020 7:49:00 AM
Ha!!Ha!! Sara..We had a lady to come to church one Sunday with one shoe of one kind on one foot and on the other foot a different kind of shoe.
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/14/2020 8:33:00 AM
Too funny! I go for thickness with socks more than colour, I can't imagine not noticing two different types of shoes ;D, Hugs! xomo
Date: 4/12/2020 3:44:00 PM
Have you been walking in someone else's shoes?
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/13/2020 7:36:00 AM
Barefoot baby ;),
Date: 4/12/2020 2:01:00 PM
My aunt had a pet skunk that liked to eat shoes. After that any dog can have mine. Good one Mo
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/13/2020 7:38:00 AM
Heh heh, they are cute. Thank you. Stay well Mark, xomo
Date: 4/12/2020 11:03:00 AM
Maureen great write. I had a dog who would steal other dogs' bowls in the neighborhood! Try to explain that to the neighbors! Damn dog!
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/12/2020 11:09:00 AM
That... Is hilarious. Thank you! Happy bunny day ;), xomo
Date: 4/11/2020 11:11:00 PM
I enjoyed this cute and funny verse, Maureen. Thanks for the smiles. Blessings :=)
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/12/2020 10:06:00 AM
We need all the smiles we can get! :)))) Warm safe virtual hugs, xomo
Date: 4/11/2020 10:30:00 AM
Good Morning Maureen, Love a Senryu that shows that humor can be found in all times. Have you seen the latest from the World Health Organization? They announced that dogs cannot contract Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO let the dogs out. -Richard
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Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/11/2020 2:07:00 PM
Thank you Richard, and, that is hilarious. I love seeing Leonard Cohen being quoted around here, a perfect offering; there are some haters. xomo
Date: 4/11/2020 9:22:00 AM
I've put my shoes accidentally in the fridge lol...I guess you could call them cool shoes lol...great your angle mo...stay safe and Happy Easter...the Wingster :o)
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/11/2020 10:14:00 AM
Lol! My honey's bud left with one of my rubber boots, he didn't notice one was tighter or lighter sans steel toe till on a ladder when one knee kept near smacking him in the face ;)))), Warm bunny hugs to you Wing'ed one, from wing nut, xomo!
Date: 4/11/2020 8:31:00 AM
These period of time we all are somewhere else dearest, Maureen. Take good care my friend. Hugs xxx
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/11/2020 10:16:00 AM
New meaning to the term "out of this world". Hugs and Love, xomo
Date: 4/10/2020 9:35:00 AM
You made me smile Mo...reading your comments I think our posties may stop deliveries as several now have the virus as do bus drivers:-( hugs Jan xx
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/11/2020 7:07:00 AM
Smiles are good to pass around these days. I'm sure glad I'm no longer in the delivery service industry through all this. Keep well! mo hugs
Date: 4/9/2020 4:16:00 PM
Delightful Maureen. Your conclusion brought a smile of recognition to my face!
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/10/2020 8:20:00 AM
Thank you Sam. Delighted to bring a smile, seems we need more of those these days, and you have returned the favor, thank you! xomo
Date: 4/9/2020 12:58:00 PM
The dogs know that! Aloha! Rico
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/10/2020 8:18:00 AM
Giggles, yup. Hugs Rico :)
Date: 4/9/2020 8:31:00 AM
Hmmm... I think this happens to many people, Maureen. Thanks for stopping by. And, yes, thank you, I'm doing just fine. Best to you in your writing endeavors. / M. Rigoler
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/9/2020 9:05:00 AM
Thank you Maurice.
Date: 4/8/2020 11:06:00 PM
I'm listening to Foreigner, at the moment, wondering. If someone else has come into your life...Love the Senryu, and your mindset.
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/9/2020 7:08:00 AM
Foreigner makes me want to know what love is. My mindset went pretty quickly from serious to silliness when I was writing this. Thank you Harry, keep well! xomo
Date: 4/8/2020 8:58:00 PM
Maureen, if your dogs were barking, perhaps best to go barefooted for awhile at least. Wearing someone else's shoes would certainly do that. Or did I misconstrue the Cockney reference???
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Connelly Avatar
Jeff Connelly
Date: 4/9/2020 11:35:00 AM
Who would have thought postal workers are essential? Maybe Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin lol. I took off today Maureen, after seven days straight of sending junk mail lol, I'm happy to see you are on fire writing YOUR words. If I may interject Maureen, YOU are YOUR MUSE. Some day I hope to meet the poet who creates your poems. YOU are YOUR own wonderful; well educated, fun filled and factual muse Maureen. I am totally loving reading your writes. Gracias mujer hermosa.
Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/9/2020 7:25:00 AM
And GOOD MORNING my friend!
Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/9/2020 7:23:00 AM
I know it as " my dogs are tired". DP's lyrics "try walking in my shoes, you'll stumble in my footsteps..."
Connelly Avatar
Jeff Connelly
Date: 4/9/2020 7:19:00 AM
Ah, okay. I just remember the Cockney phrase "my dogs are barking" means "my feet hurt". I know of Depeche Mode, but don't know their music.
Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/9/2020 7:05:00 AM
I am so looking forward to barefootedness! You missed nada. I was thinking "walking a mile in another man's shoes" and memory loss while singing Depeche Mode... This for the day my life went wacko contest, hoping to tickle the judge's funny bone.
Date: 4/8/2020 7:28:00 PM
Guess your shoes walked off with someone else! Such a fun little ditty, Maureen:)
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Mcgreavy Avatar
Maureen Mcgreavy
Date: 4/8/2020 7:32:00 PM
Tee hee! I'm walking at a Depeche Mode ;), Thank you! xomo

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry