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Gods At the Comedy Club

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Galileo, a great scientist

Aztec God

Bacchus, Gof of Wine ( one of my favs )




Hashem ( atrists rendition )

This is a parody, a comedy, and a poem to ponder, its is not meant ib any deeper way. I wa reading today on a major find in France of which I will show you the link.

New Discovery in South of France

The article is from the BBC


I have had many hours of conversation with White Wolfe here, his knowledge of all the ancient Gods also brought this to mind. He is a kind soul and a fine philsopher! If I say it, its true!

Here is also a link to his recent poem on Soup!! Enjoy!

The Sword. The Spear, The Shield


The house was full Of Gods and deities The curtain call was soon The water vasos were poured And became the finest of wines The bread multiplied The baker you see Was a part time magician The fishermen all relaxed As I saw fish fall from the skies Ra was there Oh my the tan on him, poor harif Huitzilopochtli glared at his competition Toth and Horus with godly grins God himself was there The door man didn’t check id's though A few came with the same name If they paid their gold coins at the doors Of Godly entertainment In they came Thor arrived like a bolt of lightening The Greek gods exposed as fakes Trumpets of false prophecies Sessions and courts left to fate For dereference we let them in for a beer, ok two! The other Gods chuckled as they sneered Even Batman showed up!!! He wasn’t a god, but he had good connections Allah was there, 4 cows, Shiva and Ganesha Rama and Agni were even holding hands The house was full of Gods Jesus Christ showed up late Hippies do that you know Funniest of all was the Holy Ghost He tried to sneak in with Casper Hashem and Galmi came, they got discounts on the tickets You all get the point Bacchus charming the ladies with his wine As Thalia ecaaped the wrath of Pan She smiled for she new Galileo a charming man The house was full of Gods! The Norse gods resilient in beauty Freya as captivating as ever She had an eye on me As I, on her In charge of the curtains indeed a blessing When a Goddess requests a stage hand like moi Drapes of passion conceal the lust of biblical ways The curtains rose as the headliner appeared The Gods all rose and clapped As Galileo the Great comedian walked in He shouts out! "Did you hear the sun that travels around the earth?" Well the sun got tired, so last week the earth decided to spin around the sun! The crowd roared, I mean that was so ridiculous as to be funny. The he goes, 2 dummies and the pope walk in to a bar...... Well the gods may have loved him........ The Pope did not take kindly to be called a dummy He was Urban and mundane but held to his heart his earthly disdain For the comedian called Galileo Banishment, the paradise of many a great Intellectuals Arrested for using their intellectual credentials The masses of the unread Followers of the ones shouting hate at the mountain head Rush , rush rush we must condemn This comedian from earth’s very very dark end The Comedy do you all see? I am God You are all the holy sea From Galileo all the way to Galilee

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 9/1/2017 6:30:00 PM
Your mind must contain a library that you can make laugh, cry, or.... Deserving of a place in the classics.
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Date: 8/18/2017 11:06:00 AM
Smashing! Didn't want it to end... A huge fave Arthur, this I think was pure wit and brilliance, I came late because I'm a hippie..,:-)
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Dietrich Avatar
Andrea Dietrich
Date: 8/19/2017 8:28:00 PM
haha, I love your reply, Keith.
Date: 8/14/2017 3:10:00 PM
Some very funny lines in this one, Arthur. I do believe there is a supreme being over all of us. Unfortunately He goes by way too many names!
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O.J. Hunt Avatar
Keith O.J. Hunt
Date: 8/22/2017 8:56:00 AM
Good points Andrea, and again -- I'm late because I'm a hippie! (lol)
Date: 8/13/2017 1:19:00 PM
visceral , arthur...from the halls of many a god, batman and galileo dash in to be recognized!, you floor welcome to the club; amazing!...huggs
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Date: 8/8/2017 12:20:00 PM
They didn't check ID's at the door-I love it Arthur, brilliant...
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Date: 8/4/2017 7:36:00 PM
I must admit I am partial to "Bacchus" myself. A very witty piece :)
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Date: 8/3/2017 9:57:00 PM
Wow! That club was surely crowded! lol And, I see Budgie has gotten you into mythology too. It is very interesting and very complicated. That's why I'll stick to my one God of Love, Jehovah. It's simple like "moi". :)
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Date: 8/3/2017 9:14:00 PM
Just returning to Fav!!!! ~~~/|\~~~
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Date: 8/3/2017 10:19:00 AM
The Gods crack me up...spectacular ha ha write my friend...god bless...^WW^
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Date: 8/3/2017 6:43:00 AM
That is fantastic Arthur (and Budgie :) Love it. Even Harif appears I see!
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Date: 8/3/2017 6:23:00 AM
Awesome ... Indeed awesome ...
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Date: 8/3/2017 3:56:00 AM
Gee I need a lie down my stomach is aching from laughing so much at so many gods and goddesses ... King Arthur can you crown me goddess of poop on soup.. The pics were awesome especially Huitzilopo the costume made me giggle:-) hugs jan xx
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Date: 8/2/2017 10:01:00 PM
You are hilarious. There are many different views about life, afterlife, god(s), religion. It is great we live in a place where we can make choices that feel right for us.
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Date: 8/2/2017 8:00:00 PM
Casper and batman are there, I'll come to the party if they'll let me in'' love the write..
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 8/2/2017 8:55:00 PM
Thanks Dear Eve Hugs!
Date: 8/2/2017 7:51:00 PM
This is really a hoot Arthur! Second stanza fourth line...shouldn't Troth be Thoth (God of the Moon)? Unless you purposely wrote it that way for effect? You have a genius mind! : )
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 8/2/2017 8:54:00 PM
Thanks Connie, was just in my funny mood for last few poems!
Date: 8/2/2017 7:38:00 PM
Let me be the first to say, awesome in every way! I love this, Great Bear! Utterly awesome!
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Vaso Avatar
Arthur Vaso
Date: 8/2/2017 8:54:00 PM
Thanks White Wolfe, meet you on the hill later!! :)

Book: Reflection on the Important Things