Fun With Friends
"recently scenes of early life have stolen into my mind, like breezes blown ..."
- Quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (from his writings)
When I was young and innocent,
I enjoyed life just as a child,
Had fun with friends magnificent!
Playing games out there in the wild,
Running around free, playing catch,
Chasing dragonflies, how we smiled!
Sharing jokes, we were quite a batch,
Climbing trees to pluck and eat fruits,
Not bothered about scrapes or scratch!
We had our own share of disputes,
Got o'er them just as children can,
Followed grand whimsical pursuits!
Sometimes we walked, sometimes we ran,
We thought our childhood life was cool,
Cycling around, we hatched such plans!
We gorged on 'chaat'* outside our school,
When I was young and innocent,
Trusted each other as a rule,
Had fun with friends magnificent!
*'chaat' is a sweet and sour, tangy Indian snack made up of raw vegetables, puffed rice, boiled chickpea, boiled potatoes, tamarind chutney, spices, etc.
10th October, 2022
For Constance La France's "Writing Challenge - Past Memories - "T" Forms" contest
Copyright © Joanna Daniel | Year Posted 2022
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