For the Pun of It
For The Pun Of It
(Limerick Suite)
There's the absent minded professor
He was a known fancy cross dresser
Male or female who knew
He walked funny too
Leaving everyone a guesser
Franky wiener loves to eat hot dogs
It makes him jump high like big green frogs
The onions and relish
Make his stomach hellish
Ate to many, now feels like the hogs
I'm leaving you all my possession
First I have to make a confession
But you must promise me
Pay all my bills you see
If nothing is left blame recession
Sherlock Holmes said I've seen that before
Doctor Watson try to find out more
Do you know what I mean?
But you must not be seen
Until we get to the final core
Erich J.Goller
Copyright 3.1.2011
Copyright © Erich Goller | Year Posted 2012
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